EVA Profile picture
Medical Intuitive, Occupational Therapist, Digestive Health, Lymphatic, Body Detoxification Visceral Manipulation
Monkey Notes Profile picture TC Ames Profile picture OnMyWay2aBetterSelf Profile picture Jason Loveless Profile picture ronaleem Profile picture 5 subscribed
May 16 10 tweets 2 min read
I wanted to do a post to introduce myself to my new followers. I am an occupational therapist, Medical intuitive, HTMA Practitioner, Certified in Holistic Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher, and Energy and Frequency Healer

A thread... Image I meld the medical world into the metaphysical. Honestly you cannot separate the two. We are made or energy both harmonious and disharmonious. I help you get to the core of disharmony in your life to bring it to the surface to heal.
Feb 28 7 tweets 2 min read
I have been completing HTMA assessments on all of my patients. ALMOST ALL are coming back with extremely high levels of uranium.
Image Radiation poisoning Image
Feb 1 6 tweets 2 min read
The lymphatic system is extremely important to your health and well-being. It is one of the most neglected and under served systems in the body. It is responsible for fighting infection and transporting waste out of your body. Image Working with your lymphatic system and implementation lymphatic techniques into your daily routine can significantly reduce pain, inflammation, brain fog, chronic infections, fatigue, acne, cellulite, headaches, and improve all drainage pathways
Dec 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
For those you you who don't know what I do...

Pain is your teacher and it leads you down a road to the unbearable. Pain makes you seek new avenues, new experiences and new ways of being. Image Sometimes pain isn't physical but an echo of something deeper. I look at the whole picture and pull it all apart helping you uncover the hidden pieces and begin guiding you back to yourself.
Sep 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Did you know the only DOG=GOD to die during 9/11 was a K9=11/9

His name was Sirius, Sirius is the Brightest Star in the Sky the Dog Star

ronburns.com/9-11-tribute/t… Did you know the path of Sirius (The Dog Star) just happens to travel directly through the "Freedom Tower"

What are the chances, right around Christmas you say? Probably just a coincidence

Jun 25, 2023 53 tweets 4 min read
This is an extremely difficult tweet for me to write but I want people to know the seriousness of what is happening to the general health of people. Last May I was at the height of my health. I was lifting weights and I was the lowest weight I had been since before having kids. I am unvaxxed and I have never taken a covid test. I expose my self to sun, I eat and extremely healthy diet, I have no chemicals in my household. I have been this way for over 20 years. I don't drink alcohol or use substances
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
From Colorado to... Image Wyoming Image
May 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
We are all connected by an electromagnetic thread. Every living being. This has been called aether. Aether is charged by the sun in the ionosphere. Our ancient ancestors knew how to harness this energy. We are currently being purposely disconnected by chemical spraying in the ionosphere. This poison blocks rays of light that charge the particles in this atmospheric layer.
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have to tell you about a discussion I had with my 13 and 11 yo sons. My 13 yo was asking why God allows horrible things to happen and asked mom why are we here? I asked well why do you think we are here? My 11 yo says well mom this is how I see it... My it's like a video game. You have to beat each level. At the end of the level there is always a bad guy you have to defeat. You learn how to beat him and then you get to go to the next level. You get more powers and skills
Apr 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I was woken up early in the morning by my phone Buzzing I keep it on airplane mode at night. I looked wondering what was going on. It showed a song playing on Spotify. I don't have this saved or any Playlist with this song. I listened...

I laid there with tears streaming down my face. This is seriously one of the most painfully beautiful songs ever written. I've never really sat quietly and really listened to this song. His voice, the guitar the message 🙏💖😭
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Out marketing my new clinic and promoting the 3 new therapists I hired.

Lymphatic Drainage
Craniosacral Therapy
Visceral Manipulation
Energy Healing
Raindrop Technique

vagaro.com/us04/evatherap… Image Rebecca's room Image
Mar 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
My beautiful 13yo son advocated for himself to play the pipe organ for chapel service this morning. He is severely dyslexic and cannot read music he teaches himself how to play hymns by ear. He told me he prayed this morning for God to play through him...video to come He believes playing the organ is a dying art and is moving heaven and Earth to learn this🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
3 years ago today....

Without darkness there is no light. We have had great challenges throughout history and this is one of the first like this for many of us.

So it feels very uncomfortable because we don't know what will happen. Being uncomfortable and pushing us out of our normative can create beautiful and profound change.

But change is uncomfortable and scary. What about the unknowns? What about our lifestyle?

I am approaching this with hope and love. I am approaching this as a time for us to shine
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My beautiful son entered his 1953 Schwinn in a car show today. You should see how he talks to people who stop by...makes me beyond proud
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Science More Science
Oct 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I have been trying to formulate this post for days in my head. So please go with me on this journey.

The Earth's Frequency is 7.83hz. This is the base frequency of the planet. This is what every plant and animal needs to stay in harmony with existence. @DavidKTruth