Edinburgh International Book Festival Profile picture
The world's largest public celebration of the written word. Next Festival: August 2025 at Edinburgh Futures Institute #EdBookFest
Aug 21, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
Here’s @yashalevine with chair @danielhahn02 at #EdBookFest Authors on stage The internet has always had something to do with politics and with power. ~Yasha Levine
Aug 19, 2019 28 tweets 5 min read
Here’s Arundhati Roy with chair @NicolaSturgeon at #EdBookFest Arundhati Roy with Nicola Sturgeon The night I won the Booker, I had a dream that I was a fish. A green hand came and picked me up and said, you are a very special fish. And I said, put me back! It was disconcerting... ~Arundhati Roy