Edderic Ugaddan šŸ’œ Profile picture
Senior Data Scientist, Interested in Causal & Bayesian Inference, Education, and Indoor Air Quality. Breathesafe, LLC
Jun 14 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
@FitTestMyPlanet recently posted his review:
At 8 inches away from the device, 2 inches away from the center, protection factors are about 5-15. Image
May 1 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Here are the more detailed results of @CriticalAerosol 's testing, using a PortaCount! Thanks again, @CriticalAerosol!

@CriticalAerosol ran a subset of the OSHA respirator fit-testing procedure (e.g. normal breathing, deep breathing, side-to-side, etc). Image
Jan 11 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Big announcement! šŸ“£ LaminAir is open-source under GPL-3. Have access to a 3D printer? You can print the pieces yourself -- save money on shipping, labor, etc. šŸ§µ(1) See Printables to view the 3D-printable parts on your browser: (2) printables.com/model/716902-lā€¦
Dec 22, 2023 ā€¢ 28 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
Introducing the LaminAir. *Safer indoor dining. Safer working in the office.* At least double-digit exposure reduction factors, while breathing 12 inches away from the device šŸ¤Æ šŸ§µ (1)

First, what is exposure reduction factor (ERF)? It's a measure of how clean the air when using a device vs. not. If you get an exposure reduction factor of 20, that means the air is 20 times cleaner while using the device vs. not. (2)
Sep 1, 2023 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
I am pleased to announce that I have an update to the design! AirGo: Clean Air on the Go! šŸ§µ @FitTestMyPlanet @ghhughes @masknerd @sameo416 @Stoffel78179983 @sri_srikrishna @AbundantLandUse @kprather88 @CorsIAQ @JimRosenthal4 @syntagmatic
Image COVID & Long COVID sucks. @ahandvanish Image
May 17, 2022 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Did a few flights recently. Last flight 5 out of 50 ppl were constantly coughing, unmasked. At another @UnitedAirlines_ flight, CO2 readings stayed consistently high (1300 ppm - 1500 ppm). Thanks for making me feel safe, @flo_mask. A review of the Flo Mask Pro šŸ§µ 1/x Breathability: 10/10. So far, I've used the Pro filter which is supposed to be harder to breathe through than the Everyday filter, but had no issues at all with it. I'm looking forward to trying out the Everyday filter! 2/x
Feb 4, 2019 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Someone asked on reddit (bit.ly/2S5tOPA) about the "amicable disagreements" between @yudapearl & @_MiguelHernan are, and what the do-operator is. Here's my summary: (1) The do-operator represents an idealized intervention. In cases where the "treatment" is something that is well-defined (i.e. the exposure in a randomized control trial, such as taking aspirin), the two camps are in agreement. However, in cases where the "treatment" is ... (2)