Ed Elson Profile picture
co-host Prof G Markets | host First Time Founders | @profgalloway’s analyst
Jul 11, 2023 27 tweets 9 min read
Way back when I was an intern for @profgalloway, I gave this presentation on crypto/DeFi. I was a big believer.

It was compelling at the time. But today I looked at it again. And WOW is it flawed + misleading.

Everything I got wrong about crypto, a thread🧵 Before I begin, why am I doing this?

I'm a crypto-skeptic but didn't used to be. That's why this deck is revealing: I believed in crypto for many of the same reasons everyone else does.

It's a case study on bubbles — the groupthink that turned crypto into a $3T asset class.
Jun 21, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Gavin Newsom’s recent appearance on Hannity is a masterclass in communication and debate. A must-watch for all leaders — no matter what field you’re in or what party you belong to.

How Newsom took on Hannity, a thread🧵 Image 1/ Hannity starts by attacking Biden with a laundry list of political issues as though it’s assumed they’ve failed.

Newsom: “Let’s talk about all of them - IN ORDER.”

Off the bat he demonstrates any rhetorical flourish will be met with an informed and data-driven response.
Nov 11, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The early crypto skeptics deserve more credit.

Not only did they call all of this, they did so in the face of constant shaming and harrassment. (Not to mention everyone pointing to the increasing value of their crypto wallets as evidence that they were wrong.) Even when the institutional investors flooded in, they held firm in their beliefs. Brave enough to say, just because Sequoia likes it, doesn't mean I should. Brave enough to say something wasn't right.