Edgar McGregor Profile picture
BSc Climate Science @SJSU 📈 Busy conducting 1,800+ days of #EarthCleanUp🌳 He/Him 🌎 Because the future is worth fighting for. ☀
Steve Sherlock Profile picture Micole Profile picture Perry Rakoma Profile picture Baba Ji Ki Booti Profile picture 4 subscribed
Sep 11, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵Since it is becoming hard to keep track, here is a list of countries/municipalities that have seen catastrophic flooding in the first 11 days of September 2023:

- Greece
- Turkey
- Libya <--- *thousands feared dead*
- Brazil
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai
- Spain
- Las Vegas

1. Huge downpours from Storm Daniel have flooded enormous swaths of land in central Greece, putting entire towns under several meters of standing water.

This is a huge agricultural area, with 25% of crop being lost.
Jul 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Since it is becoming hard to track, here is a thread of the simply astounding weather records planet Earth has started shattering in recent weeks:

1. Dramatic flood events have begun striking various countries around the world simultaneously this week.
2. El Niño has rapidly developed in recent months as sea surface temperatures across the equatorial east Pacific skyrocket.

As of yet, the presence of El Niño has not had an impact on global weather conditions. That will change in a few months, however.

Mar 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There are quite a few people running around saying that these extreme snow totals in California this winter are evidence against climate change.

Well... is it?

Here is a quick crash course on the physics of snow and precipitation: 🧵 Snow is a complicated way to measure temperatures, especially when speaking to the general public about it.

When people think of snow, they think of wintertime, cold weather, and polar regions. When we talk about climate change, we're talking about the Earth warming up.
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
You know what.

That is it. That is my last Google Sheet generated graph.

This has been a long time coming.

Here is a proper graph I just creating using python.

It took me 10 minutes to make this.

I hope you enjoy. Hahaha!!

Look at this!

Chat GTP is helping me out and... I give it my code and it tells me how to fix it!

In under 30 minutes I not only learned out to create a graph, I learned how to add a trendline, change the line color, change the background color, and label it!
Sep 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This should put the 2022 California heat wave into perspective for you. Image Climate change is accelerating worldwide.

In Pasadena, CA, a day w/ an average temp of 90°F (( High temp + low temp) / 2 ) used to occur once per decade. It was reserved for the absolute hottest days of resident's lives.

Now, a single heatwave is producing 10 such days IN A ROW
Sep 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

The previous annual record in Pasadena, CA for most days with an average temperature of 90°F (high+low / 2) was 5 days in 2020.

Not only could 2022 double that, it will do so all in one heatwave.

A streak that is 2x the previous record annual total.

Looks great, guys. Understand that is requires a stupidly rapid shift in climate for a STREAK to be twice as long as the previous record ANNUAL TOTAL.

Truly our worst heatwave ever.
Jun 17, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The western megadrought will very likely become the biggest climate story in the nation for this half of the century.

An enormous amount of infrastructure, money, and manpower will be required to keep water flowing to the cities of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Diego. No other climate catastrophe, whether it be wildfires, heatwaves, or flooding, has the power to bring an entire region to its knees.

Water is life. If Lake Mead dries up, the water availability to CA will be stretched even further before this state dries up too.
Jun 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Through the first 14 days of June, Pasadena, CA is running at an average temperature for the month of 74.64°F.

If the month ended yesterday, this would be the 6th hottest June ever.

June is EXCEPTIONALLY vulnerable to setting a new hottest month ever in the next decade. ImageImage That second image looks at how far away the most anomalously warm month was **from the trendline**

Then, it looks at the actual hottest month on record (sometimes the same month) and measures IT'S anomaly from the trendline.
Jun 14, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: This evening alone, the United States of America has been struck by no fewer than 6 natural disasters.

A thread on these events. 🧵

First, a massive flash flood has torn through Yellowstone National Park destroying roads and bridges.

Second, a powerful derecho has torn through the Midwest with wind speeds of 80 miles an hour and torrential rainfall:
Nov 8, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
This is Paradise, California at 9:30 AM this morning. People are in traffic fleeing from a wildfire. The sun is completely blocked out by smoke.

This is NOT the new normal in California because this will continue to get worse in the years to come.

Lets discuss why 1/ Wildfires need 3 things to become massive infernos:

- Lots of dry fuel
- High winds
- Low humidity

I will be discussing each one and how they are changing to make wildfires both hotter and bigger in California.
Oct 14, 2018 24 tweets 5 min read

It has been exactly 3 years to the hour since I woke up to climate change.

It wasn't a speech, a report or a scientist that told me. It was the weather itself that showed me climate change. Here is my story: On October 13th, 2015, my hometown, Pasadena, CA had just exited a massive heatwave. Temperatures reached 103F on the 10th, while lows were in the low 70s.

Despite the heatwave being over & the highs dropping to the 90s, the lows continued to warm, day after day.