emily freeman Profile picture
Human router. Bestselling author of DevOps for Dummies. I’ve led community, DevRel and product marketing at AWS, MSFT, and startups.
Lupe🇧🇴🇺🇲 Imilla en los junites Profile picture Showtime Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 8, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
It’s my birthday. I’m 37 and I have some things I’d like to share, in no particular order.

1. No one thinks about you more than you do. That thing from two years ago that keeps you up at night? No one else remembers. Honor the memory and let it go. 2. Have fun. Every day. I’ve had enough friends pass away too young to know that nothing is promised. Enjoy the moment.

3. Tell people you love them. Often. Even if you feel awkward. Your love is worth sharing.
Jul 18, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Something’s been bugging me.

I’m definitely not going to argue this perfectly, nor am I saying the original point doesn’t have some merit.

I don’t agree that DevRel folks delivering great talks at conferences has over-indexed the industry on speaking.

First… my bias.

1/🧵 I’m a damn good speaker. My ability to write interesting narratives and capture the attention of an audience might be my greatest talent.

It makes sense that I’d defend the thing I’m good at.

I also recognize that my timing in this industry has been extraordinarily lucky.

Mar 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a principled problem with how large companies are grouping all of us as “developers.”

It’s an oversimplification and it’s causing issues. Because words matter.

Not everyone identifies as a developer. I use “engineer” because I care a lot about operations folks. There’s a big difference between developers tied to your specific ecosystem (think AWS Heroes or MVPs at Microsoft) and those that aren’t.

An enterprise engineer has vastly different needs and expectations than a student developer.
Nov 23, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Hey, as someone who has spent a lot of holidays alone, I have some thoughts.

Yes, we all intellectually know it’s COVID’s fault but at some point dark thoughts will likely enter your head.

“You’re a loser.”

“You’re alone.”

“You’re unwanted.”

Your brain is a bully.

1/🧵 The first year I did it, I was a mess. I just decided to “skip” Christmas.

That did not work.

I’ve learned to acknowledge it’s a special day and that I’m alone on a day that we’ve been indoctrinated to think we must spend with loved ones.

