Dissident Teacher Profile picture
After 20 years, I resigned my cush K12 job. It's time we talk honestly about schooling vs. education. I'm here to make sure you get the latter for your child.
Oct 4, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Many are appropriately aghast at what the State is (and isn't) doing in North Carolina. How could they?!

Simple. They know you can't hold them accountable because they hold the Ring of Power: our schools.

Below, all that's wrong with American public schools in five essays. 1. Intro: Your kids aren't learning. At All. educatedandfree.substack.com/p/your-kids-ar…Image
Dec 3, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Can't avoid federal school lunch funding in many states if you have ANY kid who might need it. A🧵 on how the Statists trap schools. 1/ First, the surveys. Feds twll K12 that they can have more funding if families complete surveys. 2/
Oct 3, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Here's how you know public school is dead:

I had dinner with an old teacher friend the other day. She's noticeably exhausted. She tried not to talk shop, but kept drifting back. Several students popped up repeatedly in her narrative. The stories were all the same, at root. 1/ These kids have storied pasts. Nothing the school tries changes their behavior in any way. They've held multiple interventions following their MTSS (aka RTI, aka PBIS) plan. Multiple pros are involved: counselors, psychs, speech-language paths, teachers, and principals. 2/