How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App RAF took AD seriously. The plan was multi-layered and had modern C2 at its core: IUKADGE, Improved UK Air Defence Ground Environment. Fed by many radars and AWACS it would control long, medium and short range fighters and medium and short range SAMs. F2, F4, Eurofighter… 2/5 power requires a long-term view, to not knee-jerk to the vicissitudes of the current tactical battle. There is no campaign I have been involved in that has not swung to and fro tactically, and taken longer than expected: GW1, Libya, Kosovo... 2/22 that it could turn out to be an evolving campaign of adaptation whose pivotal moment might only be discerned retrospectively. The battle is already underway, in fact has been underway since 2014. The defender has thought about the manner of his defence. 2/11