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SPIRITS COME FROM WATER (Nov. 5th). Ifá & Orisa Priestess. Ifá, Sango, Erinle, & Osun. Amé. Mami @ancestorssaid. AuDHD. hi@ehimeora.com
12 subscribers
Feb 18 4 tweets 1 min read
Religion and spirituality are not the same. Don’t let your religion be the reason as to why you don’t handle your spiritual business. Spirituality is basically working with the united energetic threads that connect all things to the Creator. When we venerate our ancestors, appease the orisa, and hold onto our orí--we are strengthening our own connection to the threads AND transmuting them to our benefit.
Oct 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Someone in my DMs asked me, "How can someone free themselves when they don't know who exactly they are? Where they belong to? What exactly is their purpose?"

This is a thread. Whenever we are thrown into the vortex of change, it slashes at our bones and demands something from us in order to leave its vacuum. This is what many people have been experiencing these past few weeks. This has triggered folks to be asking themselves the big questions.
Jun 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A gentle reminder to take a spiritual bath if you’ve been feeling anxious. Spirit is moving. And by spiritual bath, I mean brewing up up some dried herbs (or ripping apart fresh ones) in some water, refrigerate to cool, and pouring it over yourself like a shower while you pray and massage the water deeper into your skin.

Please remember your spiritual hygiene.
Dec 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The story of the Sun and the Moon is a great representation of the importance in ignoring imposter syndrome and following your true destiny. No one can do it quite like you. The Sun and the Moon had a hard time deciding which one of them should rise first in the morning, so they sought out a priest to perform divination.

The Moon was actually older than the Sun, so they assumed that the divination would assign them as the morning riser.
Dec 25, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
A thread of Haitian Artists who incorporate Vodou into their works.

Maitresse Erzulie, Hector Hyppolite 1945-48 Hector Hyppolite was a third-generation houngan (Vodou priest) who taught himself how to paint. His paintings reflect his experiences in the tradition, in addition to his spiritual knowledge.

Works shown:
“The Congo Queen”
“Poisson A Tete De Femme”
“Sacrifice of the Cock”
Dec 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The relationship between Ogun and Osun teaches us that you have the right to release yourself of any connection that has expired. Especially when respect is no longer present. Ogun and Osun were together for a while. Ogun found Osun beautiful and Osun had great love for Ogun.

However their dynamic quickly crumbled when Osun was trying to conceive children. Osun struggled with fertility issues for most of her life and it impacted her relationship.
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Actually, it’s not un-ethical to divine on someone and scope out their intentions before they have access to you.

Please ask your ancestors before you invite someone into your home, let alone your life. Doing so helps you avoid unnecessary chaos. New Age Spirituality drops the ball on protection (amongst other things) by pedaling this concept to others. It does nothing but make you vulnerable and unsafe.

Esp. if you’re someone who constantly struggles with two-faced friends and lovers. Please divine more.
Dec 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I don’t mean to be that person, but a spiritual bath is one of the smartest spiritual technology that our ancestors gave us to eradicate foreign energy and recenter ourselves.

Make sure you take one before the New Year and wash the grief off. The simple combination of ewe (herbs), omi tutu (cool water), and prayer is sometimes all you need to free yourself of burdening energy.

When the water touches your skin and washes you clean, you’ll see that most of the residue wasn’t even yours to begin with.
Dec 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A lot of what envy is, is just misguided inspiration. If you learn to catch yourself when it begins, you have the capability to successfully turn that feeling around without creating inner resentment. My last initiation into an orisa restricted me from ever envying others permanently. If you don’t know much about spiritual taboos, know it’s in your best interest to follow them to avoid unforeseen disaster.

It’s been eye-opening releasing myself from emotions we deemed human.
Sep 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The love story of Ogun and Nana Buruku is the perfect representation of self-sabotaging the love you prayed for. Nana Buruku originally came from the Dahomey and she is the supreme creator in that practice. In Ifa, she’s also seen to be considerably powerful and popular, especially among women.

Nana Buruku protects women from their abusers and those who violate & humiliate women.
Sep 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Sango and Oya’s relationship was powerful. But also extremely tumultuous.

Like Oya leaving, having 9 children with another man, and returning back to Sango’s open arms tumultuous. Like Oya almost killing Sango and Sango having to soothe her with food tumultuous.

My Baba said, “You know how long it takes to have 9 children with another man and still be waiting around for her? Sango is special.”
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Being ADHD and Autistic never harmed my ways of connecting to spirit, in fact it only ever heightened my connection. I don’t want to add to the stigmas of neurodivergency being a curse or superpower but I will say, in spiritual spaces (specifically African/Diasporic spaces) I always feel the most seen, embraced, and safe—rather than other aspects of neurotypical society.
Jul 6, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
My favorite story of Osun is her as a womanist, calling out other female orisas for standing by and allowing men to oppress them. She said, “No bush fowl is taller than another unless it mounts heap.” If you’re unable to act radically, how can you emancipate yourself?

You’re probably wondering, how did it even get to this moment? Let me tell you the radical story of Ose Otura ⤵️
Jul 1, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Museums and art institutions are complicit in colonialism whenever they exhibit stolen goods. Especially spiritually charged items. These are not artifacts, they are pieces of ancestral altars & spiritual technology. It’s time to return all displaced items, forever. I am very passionate about this topic. Some of you know I do research on the intersections of African Art & Spirituality. And I can say without a doubt, the West contributes to spiritual warfare every time they steal and display religious items from indigenous cultures ⤵️
Jun 30, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Eriwo Ya! 🥳 The 2022-2023 Ifa Divination for the world has already been performed and recorded!

The odu that came up was Odi Ofun. And it came Ibi Iku (death). Sacrifice must be done for us to be victorious over death.

This is a thread on the points of the year! ⤵️ To summarize Ifa quickly for those hearing about it for the first time:

Ifa is an indigenous spiritual practice of the Yoruba people within Nigeria. The basis of Ifa is founded on Divination, in particular Ifa Divination. Ifa is essentially a super computer ⤵️
May 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Prayer and a little water goes a long way. Thinking about this thread.
May 9, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
The clutter in your house is doing the enemy’s work for them. The way confusion will literally sit in the dust, closet, and shelves of your house and take you down with it.

A clean home is an energetically balanced space and it just feels so much better.
Oct 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’re a practitioner of African/Diasporic traditional religions, please be extra mindful of sharing visual content without proper crediting. This thread was made due to yesterday’s phone call with a former colleague, who informed me that I was utilizing their videos without proper crediting.

He gave me an offer of agreeing to a deal of giving them five promotional posts on my platform—
Oct 22, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’re practicing Ifa & Orisa traditions and your character doesn’t change, you’re not practicing it correctly.

The importance of character ⤵️ These traditions hold a foundational philosophy of self-accountability, proper ethics, and moral codes.

We practice these traditions not to receive money, title, or power, but to take ourselves to greater spiritual heights.
Jul 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The Ifa Divination for the world this year said that human activities are destroying waterways which will lead to great flooding. We don’t necessarily need Ifa to know that, we can see it. But, stay mindful and stay vigilant if you live very close to water this coming year!
Jul 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the most damaging thing the West has taught us is that we must heal alone. That we must love alone. That we must be isolated before we can ever be of worth to ourselves and to others.

Isolation is un-African, un-Indigenous, un-every cultural group that depends on the strength of communal healing and care.