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Author "Becoming a Leader in Product Development" Onye Umuisigwe la Owo-Ahiafor. Pracademic. Love Philosophy. Muse at https://t.co/B7pC8Rh6MP
Nov 2, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
People want to point at approaches e.g. Scrum as the cause for product developer unhappiness.

Replace Scrum with practically anything and nothing will changes because the prevailing paradigms about how to get work done have not changed.

It's easy to point at the tool though. As I claim in my book, the absence of "leader support" for using Agile approaches as intended by the creators, will lead to using Agile in malicious ways.

It is a tool and can be used in various ways just like I can read a book or I could place my drink on it--multistability.
Aug 26, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Armenakis and Harris (2009), identified 5 key 'beliefs' for successful. These beliefs are impacted by context, content, and desired outcomes of the change.

1. discrepancy - do people believe change is required? (what's your process for investigating this?) 2. appropriateness - do people agree that the proposed change has the potential to address the discrepancy? what role did they play in identifying the proposed changes?