zai⁷ Profile picture
I do believe your galaxy~ @mlmyoonie . (She/They) {bts, occasional kpop, cdramas, kdramas, danmei}
Aug 17, 2022 142 tweets 39 min read
#yoonjinau where our resident loner seokjin shares his thoughts with his fans, and yoongi shoots his shot, leaving their fans in confusion, will seokjin finally not sing at his ex's weddings anymore? Will user agustd find what he is looking for? Tune in to find out ImageImage ~ Notes
> main yoonjin with side established vmin
> short (ish) au
> timestamps and hair color does not matter
> this is my first time making a socmed au and is not my first language so i apologize for any and all mistakes
Anygays let's start it