Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 Profile picture
VetWar Chief Int Crspdnt +35yrs, ME, West Asia, Africa & Europe. Advisor to MEP Rapporteur on Iraq; Milt Analyst. https://t.co/NPiNViLJRw
Gone Von Trek Profile picture Κασσάνδρα Παρί پری Profile picture Crystal Steiniger 🌟🌟🌟 Profile picture Charles G. Spangler Profile picture Jem Lou Profile picture 29 subscribed
Jan 12 4 tweets 1 min read
#Yemen is ready to stand with #Gaza stronger than ever. It was part of the plan to accept the consequences and fight against the Israeli crimes even if the #US is doing everything to divert the attention and keep the war ongoing on the children and women of Gaza. It is laughable for a superpower, the #US, to put itself in a position of being a target by the poorest, but one of the most courageous, country in the Middle East #Yemen.

Let's how the Americans can (fail to) protect Israeli shipments crossing through the Red Sea.
Jan 6 5 tweets 1 min read
#Israel is in crisis:
The army is unable to achieve its objectives.
The cabinet's members want a major role.
The small Cabine members disagree w/ one another over how Netanyahu runs it.
The war cabinet can't stick one another overtly.
All disagree w/ Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. Chief of Staff Halevi appointed a committee to evaluate the mistakes of the 7th for October, upsetting the political leadership.

The settlers around #Gaza and on the Lebanese borders won't return because they have lost trust in the army and government.
Jan 3 5 tweets 1 min read
Israel killed Yasser Arafat, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Fathi Shiqaqi, and Abu Ali Mustafa, and the Palestinian resistance became stronger than ever. One of the martyrs assassinated with Sheikh Saleh Al-Aruri in #Beirut was Samir Fandi, al-Qassam's official representative in #Lebanon and abroad. He had been at the top of the #Israel assassination list for quite some time for his military role abroad. Among the #Hamas commanders assassinated by #Israel in #Beirut were 3 Lebanese. #Lebanon, through its army, people and resistance, has the official right to respond and hold Israel accountable for its crimes.
Dec 12, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Those killed in #Israel are innocent.
There are no innocents in #Gaza.

The children of Israel are innocent victims.
The children of Gaza are terrorists.

The women of Israel are innocent civilians.
The women of Gaza are mothers of terrorists. #Hamas carried out terrorist attacks against Israeli settlers.

#Israel is responsible for unfortunate casualties considered collateral damage.

Hamas should be destroyed and is hiding behind civilians.

Israel has the right to defend itself and to bomb hospitals, schools, homes.
Dec 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Simple equation:

If #Israel destroys villages in southern #Lebanon, #Hezbollah will destroy #Haifa.

If Israel bombs #Beirut or its suburbs, Hezbollah will destroy Tel Aviv and all energy platforms, including ports and airports. If #Israel relies on the #US, the Iraqi resistance has prepared to bomb and destroy all military bases in #Iraq.

So far, the Iraqi resistance has been asked to limit its attacks. But it has more precision missiles than Hezbollah to deal with US bases.
Dec 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
In 1967, #Israel lost 776 soldiers and occupied the Sinai peninsula, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, Gaza & East Jerusalem in only 6-days. It defeated Egypt, Jordan, & Syria.

In 2023, Israel lost over 1000 soldiers and didn't occupy 360 sqm against a resistance group in #Gaza. In 2023, the #US, #UK, #France, #Germany & #Italy r in an operations room in Tel Aviv supporting #Israel. The US has sent 3 aircraft carriers along with significant naval support. 2000 Delta Force is in Israel, & the US military base is providing intelligence & planning support.
Nov 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In my 35 years of covering wars, I have never seen criminals like the Israelis boasting about their crimes, bragging about them on social media and not being held accountable by nations worldwide, especially here in Europe, that pretend there are laws. It is time for the world to support the Palestinians by arming them to defeat these criminal cowards, the Israelis, who run like rabbits when confronted face to face.

The level of Israeli criminality is unimaginable.
Nov 15, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
#Israel admits no Israeli prisoners were found in Al-Shifa hospital stormed by Israeli occupation forces in northern #Gaza. The #US & western officials who supported & recycled the Israeli information about the hospital containing Hamas HQ & prisoners lied & lost all credibility. #Israel admitted that its occupation forces were not exposed to gunfire while storming & searching Al-Shifa hospital. All the lies produced in recent weeks to "justify the bombing of the hospital" were as expected. Israel wants to evacuate patients and doctors to force an exodus.
Nov 10, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
For those who don't remember, #Israel's genocide and invasion is business as usual:

In 1982, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) invaded #Beirut #Lebanon and besieged it for 88 days, killing an estimated 18,000 people. Not a drop of water or a piece of bread was allowed in. Image The Israeli criminal mind: (1982) One weekend, I left besieged #Beirut to take a day off from the bombing before the siege. When I returned, the Israelis surrounded the city and prevented anyone from going in or out. When I insisted on going back into the city of #Beirut to do my job as a journalist, the Israeli officer let me in through a small side street next to the former Lebanese parliament on Museum Street, where I saw many people killed on the way and bodies lying everywhere. I walked between the bodies and the rubble and couldn't understand why there were so many bodies until I got to the other side, and the resistance forces told me that I had just walked into a minefield.
Nov 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When I see/hear the bombs falling on #Gaza, I really feel for the people living in such a horrible situation. I have lived under Israeli bombing in many wars. It cannot be described. You are full of anger towards those who are inflicting pain and causing so much destruction. In fact, you think of those bombarding the area where you are that they can't be human because human beings cannot be so dehumanised and love so much destruction and killing. This is what #Israel is doing in #Gaza against its 2.3 million people.
Nov 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Pay attention, please: I have seen many Israeli wars on the ground and have enough experience to understand what is the Israeli aim.

#Israel is asking the Palestinians of Jabalya camp in the northeast to leave & head south beyond Gaza Valley., far from trying to save them. + The evacuation of the Jabalya camp (to begin with, other areas in the north will be asked to follow) will aim to

1. Israel ethnically cleansing the north.
2. To reduce its casualties as it intends to occupy the North.
Nov 3, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to explain how the #Israeli occupation forces are attacking #Gaza. There r 3 main axes.
1st : South of Al-Zeytoun neighbourhood. The aim is to reach al-Rashid Street, which descends from the northwest to the N10, & cut Gaza in two. As u can see, this is a soft area. Image 2D Front: Breaking through the wall of #Gaza and heading northwest towards al-Shati camp to meet the invading forces advancing from the N10-Zeytoun neighbourhood. The road is covered by air, naval and tank fire. Image
Oct 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
As it continues its indiscriminate bombardment of #Gaza, #Israel is doing all it can to incite the West Bank to rise up against the Israeli army. The only difference is that Mahmoud Abbas has done his best to disarm the resistance in the West Bank, leaving Palestinians vulnerable to Israeli atrocities. More than 100 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, 1,500 were arrested, including minors, and many properties were destroyed by the weakest army in the Middle East, capable of killing children, women and disarmed men but defeated by a small group on the 7th of October.
Oct 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
#Israel PM @Netanyahu said: "I say to #Iran and #Hezbollah, be aware".

Netanyahu said 32 times in the last days that the #US is sending a carrier (now 2) to help him against Hezbollah and Iran, only because he cannot fight on one front. Can you imagine multiple fronts? #Israel's PM said that "they are trying to exterminate us" when Israel killed 150,000 Palestinians and thousands of Lebanese in his wars and genocidal killing.
Oct 15, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
I share the @UN resolutions that #Israel never respected:

December 11: Resolution 194: establishes Conciliation Commission; protection of and free access to Jerusalem and other Holy Places; Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or property damage which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible. 1949
December 9: Resolution 303(IV): International Regime for Jerusalem.
December 10: Resolution 356: Jerusalem.

July 4: Resolution 2253 (ES-V): Condemns Israel's measures to change the status of Jerusalem as invalid.

December 19: Resolution 2443: Establishes the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People.
Oct 14, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A deal concluded with #Egypt, #Qatar, #Israel and the Palestinians leadership in #Gaza to allow all foreign nationals to leave Gaza in exchange for the entry of humanitarian aid into the besieged city. Moreover, all countries are evacuating their nationals from #Israel via Ben Gurion Tel Aviv before the ground assault on #Gaza, which is undoubtedly confirmed. Many nations fear a giant war in the Middle East and potentially spill over to other countries.
Oct 14, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
#Israel 1953 Khan Younis Massacre in #Gaza:
Palestinian sources reported that at least 500 Palestinians were massacred in Khan Younis while the UN documented the number of Palestinians killed on that day as 275, which it described as “credible”.

Palestinian residents in Rafah were killed after the loudspeakers of the occupation military vehicles called on all youths and men from the age of 16 ,o the age of 50 to leave their homes, the soldiers firing at them with automatic weapons. #Israel's long experience in Terrorism Testimonies from the censored Deir Yassin massacre: 'They piled bodies and burned them'. Researchers state that 110 inhabitants of the village, among them women, children and elderly people, were killed.
Oct 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I've been studying terrorism and counter-terrorism for more than two decades. I've always seen a disgusting, inhuman and barbaric terrorist rampage carried out by #Israel since 1948, including against the Palestinians and the Lebanese, sickly celebrated every day by the world & all the apologists via social media.

Nothing new really. The Zionists were the first to introduce Terrorism in #Palestine in 1931 creating the Irgun, or Etzel, a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine and then Israel. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah.

The victims of the Holocaust became the persecutors, inflicting murder, torture and brutality on Palestinians of all ages before the impotent eyes of the world, and war and destruction on #Lebanon, in irresponsible violation of international law and the UN Charter.

The difference today is that it is not #Israel that started the attack. That is why the Israelis and their supporters are panicked, confused, out of control and in crisis. But when they regained control, with the support of the Western world, they returned to their collective punishment and mass murder, indiscriminately killing Palestinian civilians as they have become accustomed to doing. #ISIS's total killings and exodus are less than Israel's total killings and exodus of Palestinians and Lebanese.

Image #Israel's bombs beheaded civilians, burned babies and the elderly to death & destroyed families in their kitchens, beds and shelters. Whole buildings crushed dozens of people under the rubble.

Because of the #US unlimited support, nobody drops 6000 bombs with 6000 tonnes of explosives in 4 days but Israel a destructive power which enjoys unlimited support and celebration by the Israelis and the Zionists worldwide.
Oct 11, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
#Israel is incapable of fighting on multiple fronts, even with the #US carrier. @Netanyahu should negotiate now orals #Hezbollah's precision missiles targets hitting Tel Aviv and the zone around it will cripple #Israel's infrastructure for very long. If #Israel uses drones over #Lebanon, #Hezbollah will use the same over the settlements and the military barracks. How deep Israel will hit (empty) targets inside the south of Lebanon, Hezbollah will hit deeper. The Israeli military command needs to think carefully how to react.
Oct 10, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
To prepare for a ground attack on #Gaza and have fewer people in the attacked area, #Israel is advertising for another Palestinian exodus. The IDF Spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, invited Gaza Strip's residents to Flee towards Egypt Border Checkpoints crossing in Rafah. The solution is undoubtedly not evacuating #Gaza from its population to #Egypt and allowing #Israel to occupy further Palestinian territories. The solution for #Israel is to stop bombing civilians and treat them like animals, as Israel's Defence Minister said he would.
Oct 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#BreakingNews: #Israel killed a #Hezbollah militant on the Lebanese borders. There is no longer any doubt that Hezbollah has the reason to retaliate. The reason is crystal clear now. Many Lebanese are leaving the South of #Lebanon, expecting a retaliation. #Hezbollah militant Hosam Mohammad Ibrahim was killed this afternoon by an Israeli bombing in the south of #Lebanon. Hezbollah announced the killing officially. Israel knows what that means now. The Israeli northern front commander wanted to flex his muscles to prove he was different from the southern commander on the Gaza front.