Emin Gün Sirer🔺 Profile picture
Founder and CEO @avalabs, Ex-prof @Cornell, Ex-co-director @initc3org.
Finn the Human Profile picture Jessymogan Profile picture Koen Vingerhoets Profile picture Ümit Orhan Profile picture Mark Radcliffe Profile picture 33 subscribed
May 21 15 tweets 3 min read
Ok listen up, there's something cool and novel and interesting happening in crypto that you should know about. Namely:

1. There's a new vertical developing, called SocialFi,

2. The best examples of this vertical are on Avalanche

3. There is a new application that you just have to see that I will link below. Now, I don't know what your thesis is in crypto, but I think we can all agree that we cannot all get rich trading memecoins between each other all day, and the new L1s are slicing the salami way too thin to pose decent value propositions. So it makes sense to look forward a bit and project where the new growth in the space will take place.
Apr 29 9 tweets 2 min read
Please don't get taken in by another project that is faster at inventing new terminology than it is at transferring value. That is all. This is especially true for projects that are trying to adopt technical terminology from the humanities.
Feb 29 7 tweets 2 min read
1/N After much demand, it's finally here: a proposed roadmap for AvalancheGo, or how to build the future of next-gen blockchain networks by leveraging all the best components of of monolithic and modular designs into one.

Note, this non-exhaustive and requires ACP approvals! Image 2/N The roadmap is divided across three major pillars:

1. Modular programmability: Making the building of permissionless, highly customizable, sovereign chains best-in-class.
2. Monolithic performance: Increasing performance of the monolithic stack to 100K+ tps / chain

... Image
Nov 28, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Is the Twitter/X app as buggy for you as it is for me? 1. I see my own tweets twice in my own threads, even though they were posted once. Clear threading error incoming recently posted tweets.
Nov 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Sound ways to do fee isolation, a quick thread.

There are multiple ways to do fee-isolation on chain. For those that need a refresher, fee isolation is the idea of localizing fees based on some specific restriction that the protocol may want to enforce. 2/7 For example, one thing that can be done is if a smart contract is taking up a lot of traffic, then that smart contract will need to pay more than others.

One form of this is what Solana does. This is my understanding based on the code review (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Aug 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
AI is upon us and the tech is accelerating at lightning speed. But AI has a copyright problem that I believe blockchain technology can help solve. I wrote an op-ed for @Blockworks_ that identifies ways blockchains can provide transparency and fairness for how AI models capture our creativity.

Read it here:
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The launch of AvaCloud addresses many challenges businesses face with blockchain technology. AvaCloud is a Web3 Launchpad and a landmark step for massive blockchain adoption. I have spoken with businesses around the world, and one thing is clear. There is a resounding interest in blockchain technology, but primary barriers of poor user experience, scalability, and expensive start-up costs keep businesses from entering the space.
May 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The firmware always had full access to the secret key -- the Secure Element is for passive storage, the firmware retrieves the key and uses it. Every firmware update thus requires full scrutiny. Glad to see a dangerous firmware update being rejected by the community. The tweet from @Ledger that says that firmware *cannot* access the key seems incorrect and misleading. And Ledger's PR and Comms team have done a terrible job of explaining what's happening.
May 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
At Summit I introduced a wild concept called Coin-Operated Agents (COA). What in the world are COAs? They are AI-operated agents on a blockchain. Validators that process their own Large Language Model (LLM) and interpret on-chain AI Prompts. Image COAs enable us to use natural languages like English to specify smart contracts. There's no need for conversion to Solidity or bytecode – contracts that are readable by humans are directly executed by AI engines, just as a trusted smart person would execute, say, a will or trust.
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Lemonade Crypto Climate Coalition is one of the first initiatives providing an example of the transformative real-world potential that crypto offers. This is a real-world use case that’s quietly in practice utilizing Avalanche.

medium.com/avalancheavax/… Some 7,000 Kenyan farmers have obtained crop insurance through this program already and the process is simple.

🚜 Farmers get a quote on their phone and pay
🚜 Policy Created
🚜 If crops fail due to weather, farmers get automatic payment, no claim needed

Mar 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The @coreapp team is making a product that rivals MetaMask. There are many amazing updates and features that have been added. Let’s look at them 🔺 Discover

Now you can get all the latest Avalanche news, learn about projects, and get some new crypto knowledge all in one place! Gone are the days of having to scour the internet looking for updates and researching projects
Mar 16, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
The past week showed us yet another example of the fragility of traditional financial systems. Although the connection to this system is still vital to many, including many startups, this illustrates the need for more transparent and secure systems. #ThisisWhyWeCrypto In difficult times or when crypto seems like it is under attack, we need to take a step back and recognize the advancement that has happened so far and will continue to happen. The saying “we’re here for the tech” is very cliche but in reality, it’s true.
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Gaming on Avalanche is really taking off, as we see more games deploy and more major studio partners choosing to build Subnets.

@GamingOnAvax is poised to lead the way with some of the biggest names in gaming building on-chain solutions, here's some of the recent highlights: 🔺 TSM
Professional esports leader @TSM and their competitive gaming app @theblitzapp will leverage Avalanche Subnets to help bring 50M gamers on-chain.

Blitz’s Subnet will use $AVAX for gas, burning a portion of AVAX fees with every transaction made.

Mar 2, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
If someone is running a "Layer 2" with a centralized sequencer, and they have a DEX on their chain, how are they not de facto running an exchange and how are they not in violation of the many regulations that govern exchanges? There is a lot of drama these days involving "transaction ordering" on Layer 2s, essentially because the centralized sequencer places the centralized chain operator in a privileged position, opening the door to a lot of funny games to front-run users.
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Want to know everything that's happening in Avalanche? The Snow Report is a fantastic monthly recap of the latest news and developments within the ecosystem. The February report was just released, here's some highlights from the past month Major Tech Releases

🔺 The release of HyperSDK provides a framework for devs to build custom, high performance VMs
🔺 Dexalot launches its Central Limit OrderBook Subnet
🔺 Core adds Cross-Chain transaction signing
Feb 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You are lucky enough to live through a natural disaster, unfortunately your property wasn’t as lucky. Your house was destroyed, cars totalled, and years of memories washed away. Good thing you have insurance that will replace them, right? You file a claim, then an inspector comes and assesses the damage. The problem? You aren’t the only policy holder with this issue.
Feb 22, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Bitcoin operated for 11 years without anyone going around with a pager in their pocket. In those 11 years, AWS, Facebook and Google services went down multiple times. Just a month ago, Meta went down.

finance.yahoo.com/news/metas-soc… Now, I am not saying that every blockchain is more reliable than these centralized services. We all know of blockchains that “go backwards” (i.e. violate their own finality guarantees) and chains that stop and need to be restarted from a single image on Google Drive.
Feb 16, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
You finally cave and get your child a ticket to see their favorite musician for their birthday, say Taylor Swift. You get to the concert venue after your kid has been talking about this day nonstop. You scan your tickets. The ticket scanner says “Sorry, this isn’t a valid ticket” 1) What
Feb 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The Dexalot launch is a blueprint for Avalanche builders: find product market fit on the C-Chain, then scale with Subnets to provide industry-disrupting value to users.

Here's a few reasons why @dexalotcom’s protocol is a major milestone for DeFi /🧵

Dexalot is DEX based on an on-chain order book. This helps with accurate price discovery, while minimizing slippage.

While order matching is more akin to centralized exchanges, Dexalot is fully decentralized and non-custodial, and we all know how important custody has become.
Feb 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Gaming involves a lot of passion and hard work – Build up bases, secure in-game assets, acquire weapons, and much more. But, what happens when game publishers drop the newest release? You lose all those assets. All of that time and work goes down the drain. These assets are yours and you earned them.

Utilizing the composability of smart contract platforms like Avalanche, gamers have much more control of their assets, swapping, buying, selling, all within the game environments.
Jan 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Avalanche is becoming the preferred platform for fully compliant blockchain-enabled systems for financial services.

Here’s a few reasons why IntainMARKETS, the first institutional Subnet, is a major milestone for bringing financial assets on chain. /🧵 $2T of new mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities were created in 2022, but tradfi systems are highly inefficient.

The administration of these assets is handled by disparate parties and multiple intermediaries, resulting in siloed info, high costs, and illiquidity.