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i would prefer not to.
15 subscribers
Feb 2 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
i think it has become obvious that fictionalized narratives of possible futures can function identically to memories of the past, and that there exists a kind of ā€œparafiction-industrial complexā€ tasked with exploiting this vulnerability in service of a technocratic agenda. implanted future memories are visions, narratives, or expectations of the future that are so immersively presented that they become embedded in the subconscious as if they were real events. these "memories" shape behavior, expectations, and collective perceptions of reality.
Jun 20, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
itā€™s interesting that destroying anon culture always reveals itself as the true motivation of these algorithmically boosted influence ops. also ridiculous how this creature has spent the last several days personally demonstrating exactly why anonymity is of the utmost importance. getting owned by terminally online autists because you constantly volunteer your personal information to a massive data aggregation machine is not ā€œstunning and brave,ā€ its idiotic, and anyone attempting to manipulate you into doing it is either profoundly retarded or a bad actor
Apr 1, 2024 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
to clarify a few things before my post escapes containment and i get inundated with crypto shills and gr*mes stans and indignant e-girls, the acceleration towards singularity of ā€œalgorithmic god-entityā€ is a consistent theme in relation to the tech elite i refer to in the thread.

the tech billionaire who runs this platform has designed a neural interface device which he has presented in multiple demonstrations as a cybernetic control system. this needs no further explanation as everyone is already aware of its development and recent human trial.
Mar 31, 2024 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
the ā€œfree speechā€ lawsuit dominating this weekā€™s discourse is not what it seems. it is a rebrand of the accelerationist groomer cult a certain X individualā€™s significant other was affiliated with, and aligns with the tech eliteā€™s vision of the algorithm as a ā€œgod-entity.ā€

"network spirituality" is a concept first put forth in such terms by remilia founder, accelerationist, and accused groomer cultist krishna okhandiar, who purports himself to be an MIT grad and palantir employee.
Feb 24, 2024 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
remember when keith raniere registered a patent designed to ā€œrehabilitate luciferians,ā€ described himself to a t in the outline of potential subjects, and then showed several women videos of people being gangraped and beheaded with machetes for several years?

i promise you this will become even more relevant and disturbing than it already is very shortly, and that this is only one example in a vast network of interconnected yet disparate groups who employ exactly the same program, often on children, at an accelerating rate Image
Feb 3, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
US presidents are never beating the ā€œdemonic possessionā€ allegations ā€œi donā€™t know, the black cube told me to nuke iran to fulfill the 33rd prophecy of solomon (pictured)ā€

Jan 3, 2024 ā€¢ 40 tweets ā€¢ 17 min read
2024 DARPA & DoD budgeted project highlights:

- multiple inferences of impending supply-chain collapse & bioengineered microbial nutrient solutions
- multiple projects related to operating in extreme cold, electromagnetically unpredictable, austere & GPS-compromised environments Image - sustained focus on "dis/misinfo" & internet-scale automated agents to detect/counterinfluence it
- increased focus on introspective, symbolic, contextual, & inference-based machine learning
- increased focus on "cyber-physical" systems & operators receiving instruction from AI
Aug 15, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
for those who may not grasp the implications: the third temple must be digital in order to create an indestructible, permanent material reality. observation/measurement collapses the potential of energy, transmuting it into matter ā€” a stable temporal state we perceive as ā€œlinearā€ the demiurge is a blind creator and thus incapable of observation, therefore it uses humanity as its eyes to observe, measure, and solidify the potential into the material form.
Jun 25, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
the mistake people make is treating their electronics like objects, dropping their guard & sharing with these devices the secret parts of themselves. if you thought of your devices as adversarial entities actively profiling you for nefarious purposes, maybe youā€™d stay off pornhub maybe rather than being slowly terraformed by algorithms into bottomless pits of destructive desire, you would maintain an image of yourself as a person of integrity and purpose, and through the conscious use of willpower, bring yourself into alignment with divinity
Jun 21, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
elsagate never ended ā€” the youtube ā€œalgorithmā€ is now determined to gradually introduce cat video enjoyers to grotesque animal torture Image
algorithms are not your friends, you should not be allowing them to curate anything for you, ever. you are being drip-fed content that will terraform your subconscious. please stop complying.
Jun 16, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
things ARPA wanted to nuke in 1958:

- the moon
- the poles
- deep space
- other nukes
- the van allen belts
- the ocean

itā€™s probably nothing ImageImage on february 11 1958, the strongest ever solar maximum was recorded. iā€™m sure unprecedented solar activity right at the beginning of nigredo season has nothing to do with any of this.
Jun 13, 2023 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
the perception-industrial complex is not ā€œnew,ā€ in fact theyā€™ve been telling you exactly what theyā€™re doing while doing it for decades.

from the memory hole, DARPAā€™s military memetics tutorial šŸ§¶ ImageImage ā€œthe internetā€ as we currently know it was deployed for mass consumption with the pre-existing intent of military intelligence to study the effects of memetics on large-scale social phenomena as well as its impact on individual neuronal behaviour ImageImage
Jun 3, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
today we're going to play a little game called "suslord linkedin bingo". the rules are simple, identify as many red flags in one linkedin bio as possible and try and figure out what insidious things the account owner is up to. starting strong, introducing a personal favourite of mine: miss regina dugan, current CEO of wellcome leap (spying on you through your newborn infant), past senior engineer at google and facebook (psyop, malignant data hoarding), and director at DARPA (biotracking nanopills) ImageImage
May 6, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
ā€œthe scientist has no comprehension of an activity independent of and dissociated from matter; hence his sphere of usefulness is limited to the lower world and its phenomena. Image the physical body of what man calls knowledgeĀ­ is science; the emotional body, theology; and the mental and supermental bodies, natural and mystical philosophy reĀ­ spectively. Image
Apr 12, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
lol ok Image in case you memory holed it ImageImage
Apr 11, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
oh fuck off

sick Image
Jan 29, 2023 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
the military-intelligence network is becoming increasingly obsessed with the development and implementation of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology as a revolutionizing force, aiming to alter both synthetic and organic capabilities in the process Image military BCI is already being used to interpret and influence neural activity, read the "inner voice" and induce performance of motor functions. by 2040, it is expected to reliably perform "synthetic telepathy" and facilitate two-way comms/influence between brain and computer ImageImage
Jan 4, 2023 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
while i have everyone's attention directed at the advanced research projects agencies, let's talk about IARPA's totalitarian biosurveillance aspirations.

IARPA BRIAR, a threadšŸ§µ Image in october 2020, a proposer's day briefing was provided to representatives from every major branch of the ODNI outlining the BRIAR program and soliciting feedback from stakeholders Image
Jan 1, 2023 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
happy 2023, here are some fun things DARPA and the DoD have in store for us this yearšŸ§µ Image A-PhI
scalable atomic clocks to create GPS independence from central NIST location in the event of power grid failure Image
Dec 12, 2022 ā€¢ 17 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
there are gates. there are portals. there are invisible iconoclasts who design and operate them using an ancient system of transmutation that transcends the flawed conception of linear time. Image there is a twilight language of symbolism that is broadcast directly into the human subconscious through which this transmutation is conducted. there is a baseline of constant psychological warfare designed to isolate and modify perception.

Oct 16, 2022 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
calling the alzheimerā€™s epidemic right now. without ā€œmachine-brain interfaceā€, you have about 10 years before this terraforms society into something completely unrecognizable. ImageImage so crazy that DARPA is literally obsessed with alzheimerā€™s research šŸ˜’ ImageImageImageImage