eli friedmann Profile picture
Guitar player/teacher + photographer in NYC. All magas, theocrats, fans of the electoral college, + climate deniers cheerfully blocked on sight.
Nov 15, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Just one larger reality that I think some people are missing in all the insanity:
The premise of the Republican Party is that government is bad.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help"
Ronald Reagan, august 1986 So as deranged psychopath felon trump stocks his administration with dangerously unqualified hacks and kooks, ask yourself, who is served by this?
Oct 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“Must be from a real estate agent.”
#davidlynch Pretty funny to know that David Lynch lives in the house they shot Lost Highway in.
Oct 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Impossible to tell the far left from the far right.
Both are pro fascist invasion.
Hope Putin is paying you at least.
Every time he starts losing you guys get performatively upset. I wonder what these folks would do if Putin rolled tanks into their cities?
Would they be against the invasion?
Or would they flip sides and sign up to be fascist collaborators?
I honestly don't know.
Oct 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
One reason the original Hellraiser was so memorable was the grit
That was a movie that smelled bad.
Sweat, blood, tears, rot, and maggots permeated every surface.
It was visceral.
Nauseating yet hypnotic.
This new one is as smooth as a calvin klein commercial.
Too smooth. Not sure the world of 2022 is compatible with making old school horror.
No digital anything.
Stop motion effects.
Truly gnarly.
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Until Putin is neutralized, the civilized world has a problem.
That problem could manifest as a manageable (if deadly) annoyance or global nuclear annihilation.
Or anywhere in between.
Sad fact. What happens within Russia is nothing we can control.
It will probably get even uglier internally.
Many may die.
But our focus must be on
1)stopping the fascist invasion
2)doing everything possible to prevent nuclear war. Nothing more important than that.
Jan 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Trump did not tell his “followers” what to say and think.
It was the reverse.
His “followers” told *him* what they wanted to hear.
And he obeyed.
Because he is a psychopathic empty shell of a person.
A black hole desperately searching for validation. Trump’s cult is the crystallization of decades of white conservative Christian resentment.
The fake grievances they thrive on were not invented by trump.
Those fixations were already here when he was a grade schooler.
Trump was just psychopathic enough to echo back what he heard
Apr 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Bothsidesism is the heroin of the media.
They inject themselves every day.
Hooked through the bag. Republicans elected a psychopath who inspired an invasion of the United States capitol, after letting half a million die in a pandemic.
Democrats, understandably, thought this was really bad.
NYT: really both sides are the problem here! “Political sectarianism” is so terrible!
Apr 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I can only assume the layered, privileged stupidity here is intentional.
Because otherwise....yikes.
Profound stupidity.
Incurable. Imagine thinking that the most important thing to talk about today was....the letter a spoiled rich guy wrote to his fellow private school parents about how he was pulling his kid out of school because it taught about racism.
Really highlighting the important stuff here.
Apr 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Most of the country vaccinated, reverse trump policy on refugees, rejoin paris accord, stop kissing Putin a**, pass biggest aid package since FDR, + infrastructure, announce withdrawal from Afghanistan...uh, anything else we can do in 3 months after the attempted coup? Biden was sworn in, right after the attempted coup, three months ago, give or take a few days.
Take a brief moment to just assess what has been done so far.
In three months.
Apr 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
FWIW I can confirm that the second Pfizer shot will likely put you below optimal capacity for a day or so.
That was my experience.
about 24 hours of slightly "off" (tapering toward normality) starting about 8-10 hours after I got the injection.
It was all completely worth it. And if I need a booster shot within the next 12 months?
No problem.
Bring it on.
If it means I can stop spending every day teaching on zoom, most definitely.
Zoom hates music....
Mar 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
It really is remarkable.
They cannot figure out how to effectively attack Biden.
This was one reason they tried that Ukraine maneuver.
Desperate to come up with something that would peel away support from certain niche voter blocs. And it's not just republicans.
Much of the press is trying to find ways to attack Biden and it just ends up making them look petty:
Mar 12, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Gonna be honest:
As someone who supported Warren in the primary I am really impressed with how team Biden has conducted itself.
The trajectory from the primary to the general to today.
Presidential. Bold decisive steps taken.
A minimum of fluff and bullshit.
Stepping up for America during a time of multilevel peril.
Existential crisis.
My hat is off.
Mar 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Life for bullshit addicted “journalists” certainly won’t be. Speak for yourself bud.
I have no desire to hear from that psycho ever again.
But you do you.
Mar 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
One key to why Jordan Peterson is so popular is this:
he never QUITE has a point.
He sounds like he's about to kind of have a point and then never really does.
That leaves plenty of space for incels to feel like something profound is being said. Another tactic I noticed watching a few Jordan Peterson talks was shifting from saying ponderous obvious things to weird incoherent stuff without changing tone of voice.
This again seemed to have quite an impact on his fan base.
Incoherence used in this way is powerful.
Sep 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Presidential horserace is one of the most flat in many cycles, no matter how much the media tries to make it seem exciting.
The story is this:
1)The cheating
2)How the cheating interacts with the electoral college
That's the story.
If you want to know what is going on follow that Exactly how much cheating can Trump and (criminal) DeJoy do in blue areas of swing states?
That is the story.
Follow that.