Eliza Profile picture
Survivor Advocate. 2023 Polaris Star Award recipient for Advocating for the Minor Survivors of Twitter. Bylines in Newsweek, the Blaze and Human Events.
kcrouch Profile picture Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Jessica Berman 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇸🇻🇸🇻 Profile picture NquiringMind Profile picture Bmore girl Profile picture 17 subscribed
Jun 13 5 tweets 2 min read
Allegedly I’m being investigated by the FBI and IRS because of my involvement with multiple survivors of Epstein.

The same FBI that is currently being sued by multiple survivors of Epstein. I’m speaking now while I can. Please watch and share. (Thread) This FBI. (Thread)
Apr 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Bill Maher actually nailed the mind virus conversation, parents need to take responsibility for what their children learn.

Passing the responsibility off to the government and social media platforms was a failure. Government schools, Universities and social media platforms should not be the youths primary source for learning when at all avoidable.

Being a responsible parent is an extremely difficult and honorable calling.

What goes into a child’s mind is pivotal.
Feb 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
World Star, Google, YouTube and Twitter have removed the World Star video. They removed the video awhile ago.

Post whatever negative words/pics/questions/memes of me that you want I don’t care. I’d prefer folks not post sexual imagery of me tbh including nude/partially nude…. I haven’t asked for a censorship of words etc.

Any screenshot or repost of the World Star video specifically can get your account in trouble on multiple platforms. These are not my rules and it’s not a threat I’m just letting you know because there is confusion.
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Feb 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
My life probably seems unbelievable to folks who went to school and got a job. No shade, that sounds like a great life.

That just wasn’t my path. The last three weeks won’t even be more than a sentence or two in my life story and it’s been unbelievable as well. I was on American Idol and that piece of my life was a sentence in Shanes article. Getting dragged on the internet for a few weeks seems boring compared to getting on American Idol. I’ve been dragged on the internet since MySpace lol. I’m still here.
Feb 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
My story as a survivor of human trafficking is 100% real, sadly.

I had nothing to do with the paid pr campaign to destroy me. There was no real reason for me to trend on Twitter on and off for 2 1/2 weeks. Real people who I knew and loved fell for an op designed to destroy me. My finances had nothing to do with my public advocacy for survivors because I’ve done it all for free. There was nothing to cancel me from. The only thing that I lost was a Babylon Bee interview which wasn’t a huge deal in the world of being a survivor advocate.
Jan 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The pill that I don’t ever think that I’ll be able to swallow is that the United States government officials and departments had so much contact with old Twitter but didn’t use their removal requests to have the platform remove child sexual abuse material at scale. It was nowhere near their top priority.

Innocent civilians non illegal posts and pushing war propaganda was a higher priority to the United States government.