Elizabeth Green Profile picture
Cofounder & CEO @Chalkbeat. Cofounder & board chair, @journalismProj. Author, Building a Better Teacher. Love the hills.
May 28, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
So excited to announce @HealthbeatUS - in formation and coming this summer.

Why are we doing this?

1- Covid taught us that this country doesn’t do enough to invest in the public’s health. Now we need to make sure we learn COVID’s lessons. 2- Journalism, uniquely, can help elevate the lessons learned - and examine the ones we haven’t yet heeded.

3- Public health is like schools and elections. It’s fundamentally LOCAL. So our work has to be local.
Sep 9, 2020 16 tweets 8 min read
Local reporters: If you want to make a difference in the 2020 election, this thread is for you. #votebeat Hard truth: We are awash in presidential election news, but still lack enough local reporting on how America will successfully vote in a pandemic. With 10K+ election boards in the U.S., we run the risk of each county finding its own unique way to botch an unprecedented election.