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Mar 18 8 tweets 4 min read
Federal Agencies have made these beautiful annual data books with tables, charts, and their legislative authority since the start of our country— but they just sit and molder online now while people look at tiktok and think-tank blogs.
Journalists aren't even using them!
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You can find the annual FTE at the EPA, their budget, and all the programs they've had going back decades.
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Mar 7 10 tweets 3 min read
These have to be the stupidest people in history, anybody who trusts them is licking shit off the floor.
The signatures are from the Federal Register.
The Federal Register has used a reproduction signature for every presidential document since Nixon.
Total slop.
🧵/ The Federal Register has published 177 documents for Trump so far this term, every one with a reproduction signature.
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Feb 17 5 tweets 3 min read
Holy crap.
Beneficiaries in current payment status by age are listed on the SSA website. There are 89,000 age 99+
Census lists the population 99+ as 134,179.
This is publicly available data, up to date as of December. 👇 Image
Jan 27 9 tweets 2 min read
The CDC is officially not updating death data.

There's been no communication with state governments, local health departments, or health systems on when or if they'll start again.
Your local health department is now in the dark about what's happening in the rest of the country. Image Hey @RepMGP this seems like something congress should really be concerned with?
Your local health departments are not being given access to the data we need from federal agencies!
Jan 25 15 tweets 5 min read
All the Republicans in Congress are is shitposters.
The worst example is the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act". 163 Reps and 46 Senators cosponsored. The text of the bill is abhorrent on purpose. Families are a joke to them and parental rights are a toy.
🧵/ Image Look at the text.
Notice the boolean issue here, "or"?
Read it again: "Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility".
That's *any* child born alive. Doctors must resuscitate or go to prison for 5 years.
The bill is a shitpost.
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Jan 22 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump admin ordered a full pause on external communication from federal health agencies:
They are banned from sharing any outbreak updates, advisories, food recalls— nothing without political approval, not even to local health departments.
This is NOT normal.🚨
1/ Image The directive covers regulations, guidance, social media, press releases, and even official correspondence with Congress and governors.
Everything must be reviewed and approved by a presidential appointee. Public health is now being filtered through political operatives.
Jan 21 5 tweets 2 min read
We are about to lose 1/4 of the Affordable Care Act.
Trump repealed EO 14009, in which Biden instructed the IRS to fix the 'family glitch'.
That fix allowed 5 million people to purchase marketplace health plans, mostly married mothers of young children— including me.
1/ Image Before Biden's EO, if a spouse's employer offered family coverage you were ineligible for a marketplace plan.
My husband's employer offered family coverage for over 70% of his salary, but because his individual coverage was affordable, that made me ineligible for the ACA.
Jan 19 25 tweets 8 min read
TikTok wasn’t banned overnight.
Years before Rep. Mike Gallagher (R) introduced the latest bill and resigned to take a job with Peter Thiel at Palantir, the app was used by the Trump admin to play games with Gen Z —👇
🧵/ Image 2019, Marco Rubio (R) demanded a congressional investigation into TikTok. Tom Cotton (R) asked Trump appointed DNI John Ratcliffe to investigate TikTok. Trump’s billionaire treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, announced an investigation as well.
Jan 13 10 tweets 4 min read
When discussing high tax rates of the 1940s and 50s, it's worth mentioning the reality for middle-class taxes: they've remained roughly the same over time. If you consider change in real median income, they've actually increased.
Meanwhile, taxes on the wealthiest plummeted—
🧵/ Image Yes, income over $200k was taxed at 91% in 1946, but that would be income over $3.3 million today.
In 1964 the highest bracket was 77% on income over $200k (single), or $2 million today.
The dollar value of these cuts is so high showing them requires different scales —
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Jan 9 17 tweets 6 min read
I am so angry with this from @newrepublic / @EllieHotel_ing —"exactly why the fire department was deprioritized amid escalating wildfire season is unclear"
No, Ellie it IS clear! The budget wasn't cut! You're talking about a one time purchase for new breathing equipment!
1/ Image Karen Bass did not cut $17 million from the fire budget. Los Angeles is busy today, with better things to do than feed you budget appropriations. So I will—
1. In '23 the department spent $12 million on new SCBAs because the old set expired. This was not a recurring expense!
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Jan 3 12 tweets 4 min read
Harris campaign should have just posted Trump’s Official 2021 Budget Request. Highlights:
- Cut all federal spending on child welfare
- Cut SSI benefits to families with disabled children
- End subsidized student loans and PSLF
- Raise crop insurance premiums 37%
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The wildest part is the justifications—
Ending child welfare spending "because there are other services, like Head start" but a few pages later, they cut Head Start.
"Cutting all small programs and doing a Block grant," until they decide Block grants have too little oversight.
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Dec 29, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
On education, the United States spends more like Lithuania than Luxembourg.
The story is that the U.S. is a top education spender, but tests below peer nations. Reality? 17% of ed spending goes to staff health benefits— inflating U.S. per-student spending in OECD comparisons.
🧵/ Image U.S. higher ed costs are exorbitant, and a different issue. You can’t compare international test scores of 15-year-olds and show a graph of higher ed costs— but that’s what American Enterprise Institute, Peter G. Peterson, Heritage, etc. all do when they make this claim. 👇
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Dec 28, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Weirdest part of the MAGA war? As ConservativeOG influencers rail against Indian immigrants and get canceled by Musk for speaking against H1B visas— the PAC is 100% funded by Indian immigrants, including one busted for medicare fraud.
The weirdness doesn't stop there.👇
🧵/ Image FEC records show the current CEO of Conservative PAC is internet troll Preston Parra— self-described Columbian, Jewish, twink.
He's an odd choice to Whip for a group of influencers like Loomer, Fuentes, Wax, Fournier, who promote white nationalism.
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Dec 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Apparently the funding bill is too woke for Rep. Mace, who points to the language change from 'offender' to 'justice-involved' person. The one problem? Those 'woke' changes are from Virginia Foxx (R), not a Democrat.
Foxx authored the bill and introduced it to the House.👇
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After Foxx introduced the bill on Dec 7, 2023, including the shift from 'Criminal' to 'Justice-Involved Individual', it was sent to the Committee on Education and Labor—where she is the chair—and underwent markup on Dec 12. The "woke" language in this week's CR? It's hers.
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Dec 7, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
"Where's Biden?!" ...in the United States.
He came back from Angola early Thursday.
He was at the WH Christmas tree lighting Thursday night. Yesterday, he gave remarks at a Pearl Harbor memorial event, and today he's with WWII veterans and survivors—
His schedule is public.
/ Americans are too illiterate to question their own echo chamber or look anywhere else. They're so insulated from real sources or news, so easily convinced with 280 characters.
Right or Left, people didn't bother to look at what was really happening.
Oct 21, 2024 36 tweets 11 min read
The Heritage Foundation doesn't just write policy: They commit fraud and manufacture evidence used by Republicans in Congress, in courts, briefs to SCOTUS, and by right-wing media. The scam is sloppy, and they often leave their names on it.👇
(This hasn't been reported on.)
/🧵 They play a game presenting information without context to make anyone outside their movement look bad— but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Heritage has been committing fraud for 5 decades, manufacturing documents and claiming they’ve retrieved them by FOIA or leaks.
Oct 21, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
I want to clarify what I believe is happening, I think it’s important to put it on the record —
The reason the economic policies proposed by the Trump campaign are so bad is because their plan is to deliberately collapse the U.S. economy.
What these people learned from Russia is that the wealthy benefit enormously from economic shocks. When they say they plan to shut down all government agencies, they mean it. As in Russia, assets will be sold off to the highest bidder, and only the ultra-wealthy will win.
Oct 18, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
I've pointed out before the gross end goal of population doomers: they want more children having babies.
The CDC reports the birth rate of women 15-44 for consistency, but we've spent billions over the past decades trying to end teen pregnancy, and it's worked!
/🧵 Image Missouri, Kansas, and Idaho have added a claim against the FDA trying to reverse mifepristone approval on the basis that it's lowering their state birth rates. This is dystopian reasoning, but it also has no basis in fact —
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Oct 15, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
Genuine dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party comes from people wondering why the Left hasn’t courted them like the Right has.
Those people have fallen for the propaganda.
The truth? There is no Left.
For decades, Conservatives advanced a false history. They succeeded.
/🧵 Oligarchs have curried favor with sympathetic preachers and politicians since the Gilded Age to advance their economic interests.
From the beginning, the driving force of the Conservative movement was mobilizing support to increase their wealth and maintain influence.
Sep 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The Department of Education accounts for 3% of the federal budget, or 1.17% if you exclude student loans.
What does that $62 billion pay for?
33% goes to special education
42% goes to Title I and programs in high-poverty schools to pay for supports like reading specialists.
/1 Image 11% goes to Higher Ed: trade schools, adult ed, HBCUs, college promotion in K-12, student support service, & institutional assistance.
5% funds the Department of Ed itself, including staffing and the Office of Civil Rights, which handles sex and ability discrimination cases.
Sep 14, 2024 29 tweets 7 min read
Far-right movements have been using Springfield, Ohio as a propaganda tool since early 2023.

There aren’t 20,000 Haitian immigrants there
in fact, there are barely 5,000 in the entire state.

The level of cognitive dissonance required for this narrative is staggering.

/🧵 The Census Bureau ACS lists the Haitian-born population in Ohio as 5,264 as of July 7, 2023.

This is the most recent and reliable data.

These groups have been claiming that there are 20,000 to 70,000 Haitians in just Springfield since May 2023.
