How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App often see "human error" as an indictment of the pilot, an accusation that he or she made a mistake that could have been avoided. That is not so. It’s more about the limits of human interaction with fast-moving machines in high-pressure situations. furniture procured from Home Depot demonstrates how dependent the two countries are on the US for critical needs despite their professed independence. short, the Russians treat indirect fires as the primary element, with maneuver forces only helping artillery get into position and seizing an objective after it has been devastated. authors state that in confronting China, "The last option would, obviously, be to maintain the status quo — with 50,000-60,000 troops deployed at high altitudes...", this is what Israel *actually* did to get ahead of the line:“Niggardly drip drip approach.” Vaccines grow on trees onlee. know what’s *really* anti-Muslim? Low-key defending this guy because of his religion or deliberately concealing the girl’s age to peddle a certain narrative. Because in doing so, you’re essentially suggesting that Muslims should be granted a “right” to commit certain crimes. narratives themselves were a mess of contradictions. “India missed. Only a tree and crow were felled, but we’re condoning off the site for 45 days anyway.” “We have three pilots in custody. No wait, two pilots, and one is undergoing treatment at CMH.” And so on... course, "stop sending more troops" is just the kind of commitment that is easy to make but very difficult for the other side to verify. Note that at this point, no one really knows how many soldiers India has deployed in the theatre.😈, while everyone around me was gobsmacked by the loss of thousands of civilian lives, there was a noticeable undercurrent of "so-they-finally-realize-what-it-feels-like" to the effusive (and genuine) sympathy. Solid, reliable platform. like while our side was recovering from the fight/celebrating a tactical victory/preparing for talks, the Chinese quickly came in an consolidated their position at PP-14. Its incredible how quickly they built the road and these fortifications.