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Searching for Duplicates on Oryx/Warspotting. Vehicle IDs of Cars/Trucks etc of different conflicts | @ArmadaRotta blog contributor and run @boberkherson
Feb 10 13 tweets 8 min read
Vehicle ID Thread No.27:
From a Russian Supplyroad supposedly near Pokrovsk.

First we start with the most interesting Vehicle, which ironically only appears at the end:

A Moskvich-2140 Sturm Image A total of 6x UAZ-469, 3151, Hunter are shown

(5x Destroyed, 1x Still in use) Image
Jan 4 12 tweets 5 min read
A small thread on what i call Sturm Vehicles in Ukraine:

Russia tries to overcome Ukrainian Defenses/Reach them, with multiple tactics. One of them is Speed over Protection. Image To achieve the speed they resort to using unarmored civilian Vehicles, converted to carry a maximum of troops and to be quick and easy to dismount.

Naturally UTVs and Pickups come to mind regarding this.
Mar 31, 2024 20 tweets 8 min read
A small Thread about Vans, Pickups, SUV etc most commonly seen with Russian Armed forces.
Also a small note: Its IMO almost impossible for Russians to run out of these cheap vehicles. Image 1. UAZ-452/3741/2206/3909/3909i/3962/39625 etc.
The UAZ-452 was manufactured from 1965 to 1985.
Since 1985 the successor the UAZ-3741 is build, which we see commonly with Russian Armed Forces. Image
May 24, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
There is the claim by some towtruck driver that says that these 2 losses are faked and since so many people believe this bullshit i want to say a few things on why this is bullshit in my opinion

Image No.1:
The Tires have no dirt in them.

I have multiple problems with that claim:

1st the area of the crossing is pretty dry, with almost no mud

This is clearly visible on the AMZ Dzik, but i can claim many things, so take a picture from Bakhmut as reference ImageImage
May 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Another Video was posted by the RSF of the Captured Depot
Note that the BTR-3 in the new video havent yet been destroyed, so it was filmed before the last video One more previously unseen T-55A was destroyed Image
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
So because everyone seems to write about the losses at the Grayvoron Border Crossing I thought I'll give my opinion on it/ how I view it

After taking a closer look I have different views about this than in my previous posts.

So lets start with the AMZ Dzik It seems it was the first Vehicle abandoned here, as you can see it already abandoned when the RVC (Russian Volunteer Corps) move into the Bordercrossing (Red Circle) Image
May 18, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read
An indepth look into the Usage of the UAZ-452 in the Russian Armed Forces: Image The UAZ-452 is, together with the GAZ Gazelle, the most observed Van in the Russian Army in Ukraine.
Most wellknown by its nickname Bukhanka (Loaf of bread) or the Scooby Doo Van. Image
May 17, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Car ID No.17 from Ukraine:
Thanks @aloha9916 for sending me the Pictures
1. A Destroyed Lada Niva, unclear which Edition (Wikipedia calls it 2129) Image 2. Uparmored UAZ-23632 questionable if the thin sheets of metal really add any extra protection Image
May 9, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
Russian Parade 2023 Vehicle ID and Count.

Why? Dont know to be honest... Image 1. 2x Aurus Senat Image
May 7, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
Sudan Crisis 2023 Losses from 07.05.2023

RSF Losses:

1x Toyota Landcruiser Technical Captured by Sudan
1x BTR-70MB1 Destroyed ImageImage Sudan Losses:
All Losses are from an captured Assembly Line, so it is doubtful/unclear if they are actually usuable/ ready for combat.

12x Sarsar-2 Hulls Captured by RSF (But Probably around 30, judging by 5 Hulls in a Row and 6 Rows visible in the video) ImageImageImageImage
May 6, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Sudan Crisis 2023 Losses from 06.05.2023

RSF Losses:

1x Toyota Landcruiser Captured by SAF Image Sudan Losses:

1x Toyota Landcruiser Damaged
1x Toyota Landcruiser Destroyed
1x Toyota Landcruiser Technical Destroyed ImageImageImage
Apr 28, 2023 15 tweets 11 min read
Today the RSF Released High Quality Footage of the Depot they captured on 16.04.2023.
They destroyed allmost all Vehicles. Image 1. So lets start with the 3x BTR-3 and the BTR-80 next to them
Turns out its not a BTR-80 but a BTR-70MB1 and it was Destroyed with the 3x BTR-3 ImageImageImageImage
Apr 27, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
Sudan Crisis 2023 Losses from 27.04.2023
No new losses today. All Vehicles were Lost earlier in the Conflict RSF Losses:

1x RSF BTR-70MB1 Captured by Sudan

3x RSF Toyota Landcruiser Technical Captured by Sudan ImageImageImageImage
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
I found a couple Duplicates on the Russian List

T-72B Destroyed 26 and Destroyed 35 are the same
This becomes efident with the extra pictures on Warspotting:

postlmg.cc/bGwV9tQv ImageImageImageImage T-72B Destroyed 96 and Damaged and Abandoned 5 are the same


Its a Duplicate on Warspotting too:

#144 T-72B

#7711 T-72B
ukr.warspotting.net/view/7711/1865… ImageImage
Apr 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Hi, I found a Duplicate on the Ukrainian List:
M998 HMMWV Captured 5 and Captured 10 are the same
It got somewhat repaired and was pressed into Russian Service
The Camo is the same(green), Part of the Hood is missing and Cracked(Red) ImageImage and they tried to fix the damage in the Bullbar(Blue).
They replaced the Windows and Headlights and removed the license plate. The Wheels are in the same sorry state on both Images
Apr 6, 2023 35 tweets 22 min read
Part 2.1 of my identification thread, this time Russia is the topic:
Please remember these are my personal views/ observations on the subject Stripes:
Russia uses rather rarely a Red horizontal stripe on its vehicles.
As far as im aware these red stripes are only used by separatist troops. ImageImage