Emaz Profile picture
CTO @treketapp. Founder, software engineer, entrepreneur - solo and multiple startups. Oil painter, meditator, constant thirst for personal growth.
Jun 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Ready for a dark thread? Dystopian dark. Don’t read it if you can’t stomach it.

I’ve been depressed the past few days, and I think I finally figured out why. The United States as we know it is done. Over. And never coming back. Let me explain. These rulings from the Supreme Court are as Christofascist as you can get. And this was just their first term. They’re just getting started. If unchecked, yes we become the republic of Gilead. Nobody’s joking about that, and that’s a very likely possibility.
Oct 24, 2021 23 tweets 6 min read
Fair warning. If you read this thread I’m about to ruin your day. But you may end up thanking me in the long run.

How likely is it that we might actually fall into autocracy by 2024, specifically with Trump back in power? Much more likely than you may think. Let me explain. Let’s start here. That alone should be enough to convince you of the risk. But let’s go a little deeper. You have to look at the big picture.

Disinformation from the GOP is now the norm.