emily nagoski Profile picture
sex educator, nyt bestselling author (https://t.co/pWqKtjT3oc), host of @fsp2020 podcast
Oct 13, 2020 14 tweets 2 min read
Look. You want to end abortion? I get that. Cool. Do you. The neat thing is: we already know how to reduce abortions A LOT. 4 Simple Steps to End (Most) Abortion 1. Comprehensive evidence-based sex education. It reduces rates of unwanted pregnancy, which reduces rates of abortion. Hey it also DELAYS young people starting to have sex, if that matters to you.
May 26, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Last night I was like, "@rstevens I need a metaphor for a thing you do when there are unwanted consequences of something you did. You tried to prevent those consequences but shit happens, so here you are. It's not fun, but it's what you need to do." And he goes... "Calling a towtruck."