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Investor Relations Marketing || Entrepreneur || 999Minter Since Nov 2021 || 999 Council x2
May 23, 2022 27 tweets 10 min read
Ultimate ENS 'Use-Case' Cheat Sheet 👀

Let's explore everything ENS assets could be used for in the future 🧵👇 Before I start listing off ideas, I wanted to bring your focus to the vision of ENS founder @nicksdjohnson

"ENS will be the naming system for every digital resource in the world."

Below, my goal is to expand on Nicks vision...
May 8, 2022 41 tweets 17 min read
ENS is the gateway drug to Web3--

It's going to take over--

Here’s why 🧵👀

(Join me while I share a little of history, common sense, and search metrics 👇) (2/40) I have a very strong belief that ENS Web3 domains (*Assets*) are going to take over .com domains long term.

In the following thread...

I’ll be exploring some of the problems Web1+2 domains solve vs the problems Web3 ENS Assets solve…