Random Thoughts From A GenX Gal Profile picture
Melissa Fine: Writer, Editor, GenX Gal 😎 My thoughts and opinions are, for better or worse, all mine...
3 subscribers
Jan 30 23 tweets 8 min read
So, I thought I'd dust off my tin-foil digger's cap and take a closer look at LA Rises, starting with Mark Walter. 🧵

I'll be posting what I find as I find it, so if you wanna jump down this rabbit hole with me, bookmark it.

But be warned: I've just scratched the surface, and my head is already exploding... Mark Walter is the CEO OF Guggenheim Partners, and I can draw a very straight line from Guggenheim Partners to the World Economic Forum's plans for Smart Cities. Image
Nov 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
@elonmusk I've been on Twitter in one form or another since Demi and Ashton were tweeting each other from the bathroom.

I think the more you can make people like me feel like we are invested in Twitter Blue, the more successful it will be.

It's us versus the advertisers.

1/? I come from the world of print mags. I know there are 2 main ways to generate revenue: ads and subscribers.

If it is via ads, they will ALWAYS try to dictate content. My mags were casino gaming niche pubs. Trump was one of our main advertisers back in his casino mogul days.

Mar 7, 2022 33 tweets 15 min read

So... I was thinking...

Let's pretend you've got a global agenda, of... say... 17 goals that you want to achieve by... ohhh... 2030...

And you would make that happen AT ANY COST because you're a psychopath... Image 2/3

Would you be able to come up with ANY SCENARIO that would better serve you in achieving the first three goals... ImageImageImage
Jan 8, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
Waked. Baked.

And now I'm gonna play DJ.

GenX music incoming 😎


@cyndilauper ...

You are and always have been a Goddess. 💖

Jan 4, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read

This is bullshit, and if we swallow it, we miss the bigger issue.

The problem is, kids today don't know their pop culture history. Glee actually tried to remind them of it.

It's the corporations and SJWs who capitalized on and perverted the message—not the show. I'm a GenX Gal, and I was a drama geek in high school, in Orange County, CA.

I remember being chased through the streets by ignorant jocks because I had my openly gay drama friend in the car with me. They'd have beat the shit out of us had they caught us.

That was a reality.
Nov 2, 2021 63 tweets 14 min read
"Pulling Teeth: The Deception of Aspen Dental"

Catchy name for a documentary, isn't it @AspenDental?

You have fucked with the wrong woman.

#StayTuned THREAD:

PULLING TEETH: The Deception of Aspen Dental—"A Timeline"


You've heard of "Don't F*UCK With Cats"?

Well, this is me, on November 2, speaking to a corporate representative of @AspenDental named Ashley...
Oct 29, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read

The "Why this is quite possibly the WORST thing EVER for humanity and Zuck is the WORST person to be controlling it" Edition. When the Internet was first rolled out, we were dazzled by the things we were being promised.

Why, you could go right to the Louvre and view the Mona Lisa from your living room.

You could have access to answers to any question you had.

You could make friends with the world.
Aug 31, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read

I'm quiet on Twitter lately because I have no fucking words for the asshats who call themselves our leaders.

And I'm not talking about the Dems.

I'm talking about the @GOP, who KNOW the election was stolen; who KNOW COVID was a bio weapon; who KNOW Jan6 was a psyop... ...who KNOW food shortages, gas shortages, a crashed housing market, and inflation the likes of which we've never seen are now inevitable; who KNOW our Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies are corrupt beyond salvation; who KNOW the vaccines are dangerous...
Aug 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read

.@glennbeck just told a crazy story... Crazy, I tell ya, cuz you know what a good yarn-spinner he is.

It's about a pipeline through Afghanistan & Russia & into Europe & people who did & didn't want it to happen...

And then he said a single word that changes EVERYTHING. BURISMA
Aug 11, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read

"Some thoughts at the start of a dig..."

So, I got this alert on my iPad a little bit ago, and my Spidey Senses activated.

Why are they pushing the vaccine on pregnant women?

And I found something that made me reach for my tin foil. We have all heard and seen the stories of pregnant women miscarrying.

We KNOW there has not been time for long term studies.

Yet, right now, this is the CDC's stance...

* LINK: cdc.gov/coronavirus/20…
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Hey GenXers...

How many of you dreamed of having a secret clubhouse with your best friends and there's an underground network of Mad Max-meets-Bladerunner-type vendors & suppliers for which moonshine and seeds are currency & your word is your bond or you're fucked... ...but you're the geeks and the misfits and the OG Hackers with a rockin' soundtrack and truth on your side and you're gonna save the world?
Aug 9, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Oh my God...

Dr. Dan Stock...

He said it...

He said the words...

"Enhanced Disease."

He said that's what we are now seeing.

At last...

* see threads below
Aug 6, 2021 27 tweets 10 min read

"How the F%!K Did We Get Here?"

Part 4: That Crazy Map

Perhaps the most iconic symbol of Agenda 21 (ie, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Agenda EternalFUBAR) is this map. It's been circulating for decades, and the mere site of it sends people diving for tin foil.

When I first saw it, I rolled my eyes.


Because, look at it. Who in their right mind would look at that map and believe it could ever happen?
Jul 30, 2021 25 tweets 8 min read

Ok. Very weird thing just happened.

And y'all are going to want to hear this.

I have an app called News Break on my iPad.

Throughout the day, I typically get these kinds of notifications. Well, not 5 minutes ago, I got a notification that was nothing more than the title of an article:

"Sociodemographic characteristics of missing data in digital phenotyping"

Not their typical zippy clickbait.

Wish I'd have taken a screenshot of it.

I clicked on it.

Of course.
Jul 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

Amazing what you can find on the internet when you just start searching random questions.

Like this, published this year from the Pan American Health Organization and WHO...

LINK: covid-19pharmacovigilance.paho.org/img/recursos/6… A list of possible adverse effects of the vaccines, definitions of those effects, and why they are concerned the vaccines may cause each effect.


More than 60 pages of concerns.

But sure...

Make it mandatory.

Jul 29, 2021 23 tweets 7 min read

HOW THE F%!CK DID WE GET HERE?—The "Ray Charles Could See What Is Next" Edition

While we continue to be distracted by theatrical nonsense, something pretty sinister is happening right under our noses... Our housing market is being manipulated like a 16-year-old girl in a sparkly vampire's den.
Jul 23, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read

Please, Patriots...

Look at the White House response to their own vaccinated colleagues getting sick and then PLEASE ask yourselves... Given all of the reports, from all over the world, of fully vaccinated people getting sick and/or hospitalized—even dying:

How would you expect Psaki to respond if I am correct & we are discovering that millions of vaccinated people are now more likely to get sick?

Jul 23, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read

They call this "Strategic Conservation."

Grab the land, rich in rare earth minerals or water, and lock it up with the Feds, thus taking that supply off the global market. Then Globalist billionaires corner the market on those minerals/water on available land in shithole countries for slave wages (like those who signed up for the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative) and sell them back to you.

Hansjörg Wyss coined this phrase.

Jul 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

The 2022 midterms are just around the corner.

Have you noticed that not ONE of these Dems are concerned about getting re-elected?

They pull stupid stunts, spread blatant, provable lies, call for big tech to spy on you and erasing any dissenting thoughts... They are threatening American citizens with more lockdowns if we don't allow them to make medical decisions for us.

They have designated "Patriots" as potential terrorists, weaponized the Post Office, encouraged us to snitch on family and friends...

Refused to do their jobs...
Jul 20, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read

"My @DrewBarrymore Story"

So, it's 1990. I'm about to turn 20.

There used to be a great 50s diner on La Cienega Blvd. called Ed Debevic's that we hung out at. There are other locations, but that one was ours.

One night, I'm waiting to pay & there's Drew. Image Now, you have to remember that, in 1990, Drew was 15 years old.

She was the ET darling, but she was wild and struggling in her teens and was working hard to straighten her life out.

She had *just* published "Little Girl Lost," about her journey. Image
Jul 15, 2021 34 tweets 11 min read

"I Have A Question..."

Any time Globalists start pushing something no one says they want, I see red flags. Like a sociopath, Globalists never invest energy into something without the expectation of some personal reward in return.

And they are a patient bunch. They are willing to baby-step you into compliance, if that's what it takes to get their way.

They love to "normalize" things.