Nancy Profile picture
Nurse,EMT/Vol Firefighter (ret), MAGA
Aug 18, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
@OrtaineDevian U may be equating it w/herbs. It CAN change much-but it's quite benign - nothing like medicine/herbs.It works on the body's energy level somehow. Practioners base choice of remedy on the symptom, not the disease. Actually, remedies are infinitesimal amts of any substance that, @OrtaineDevian full strength, cause symptoms ofwhat you're trying to cure. Rhus Tox is made from poison ivy.Actually IS poison ivy, but only tiny amt (30c strength is 1 part substance:10parts water or alcohol, shaken 100 times. THEN 1 part of that dilution is repeated 1:10, succussed 30 times.