Ian Johnson 🔬🤖 Profile picture
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Nov 22, 2024 18 tweets 9 min read
I am obsessed with Sparse Autoencoders!

SAEs unpack so much existing value and unlock exciting new capabilities. It's happening in text, images and even proteins.

This is a long thread with lots of links and quote tweets of the projects, articles and code that made me 🤯 First of all, what is a Sparse Autoencoder (SAE)?

I really liked @a_karvonen's intuitive explanation here:

It's at a nice level of abstraction that gives a sense for how they work and what is exciting about them without going deep into training / math adamkarvonen.github.io/machine_learni…Image
Nov 1, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
recently download your twitter archive? want to explore your tweets with SQL? get visualizations of who your besties are over time?

then check out this notebook:

locally processes your tweets.js file (no uploading!) Image with a little bit of processing we can easily load 10k+ tweets into a SQL database (DuckDB) for super fast queries Image
Apr 6, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I have shunned MATLAB for Python, I have sipped vintage FORTRAN 77 and published Java Applets at the turn of the millennium. I want to offer a grounded perspective on the benefits of doing science online. As a Master's student in a newly formed Department of Scientific Computing I learned from applied mathematicians, physicists, materials scientists, biologists, geologists, statisticians and engineers. My program was a survey of computational methods and how to apply them.
Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
woah! today was my first day at @observablehq and I am so excited 😆

if you've followed me at all, you know this is a dream job: making it easier to use / play / think with #d3js will be a big part of my focus...

i mean, just look at this stuff! observablehq.com/@d3/gallery I don't yet know exactly how this will manifest.

I drew this diagram 5 years ago about where I like to focus my energy in the product development process.

@observablehq notebooks basically let me stay in "the fun" all the time...

but the definition of fun is relative!
Apr 28, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
I remember when AJAX was the new hotness in 2005 (it had been in IE for 6 years at that point). IE6 still mattered. git was just invented. there were magazines about code.

Your struggle is real, here is a thread on why I think it's all gonna be ok. This thread is not a personal response to the OP but an attempt to share my perspective with the community.

Anyway, the reality certainly is that there are a ton of ways to build things, and constantly adding more. It can be hard to see where the fundamentals are underneath.
Dec 16, 2019 80 tweets 16 min read
24. when I do datavis I iterate a lot and explore the space of both the data as well as the space of possible representations. mostly that means drawing a lot of small rectangles and seeing if anything pops out 25. t-sne, UMAP and dimensionality reduction will make that process much more fun and interesting
Dec 16, 2019 23 tweets 3 min read
love reading the threads, want to challenge myself:

Machine Learning <-> Data visualization

1 like = 1 opinion 1. all data is subjective.

data are measurements of systems taken by particular people from a particular perspective
Mar 6, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
Beyond excited to share the latest @distillpub article: Building Blocks of Interpretability
An epic collaboration with @ch402 @arvindsatya1 @shancarter @ludwigschubert @hypotext and @zzznah introducing exciting techniques for looking deeper into ML models The amazing @TwoMinutePapers released a great summary video of the article:

You can also get a high level overview of the concepts from the @nytimes