Epilepsy Action Profile picture
The UK charity creating a world without limits for people with epilepsy 💜
Nov 30, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Thank you Vicky for sharing your experience of #PIP with us in this thread 👇

"I was born with nocturnal epilepsy and have tried many medications but none have been able to fully control it and my epilepsy is too widespread to have surgery. I had a VNS fitted in March. Sometimes I now have tonic seizures or short clonic seizures instead of tonic-clonic and partial seizures though I do still have some tonic clonic and partial seizures. I also have problems using my right arm following a suspected stroke when I was a baby.
Nov 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
🔴Applying for PIP is an ordeal for many people with epilepsy. Our survey clearly exposes the flaws in the assessment process, which have not improved in eight years. 🔴There is a woeful lack of training and assessors are quick to dismiss the severity of the condition. They are not looking at medical evidence or considering how unpredictable epilepsy can be.
Nov 29, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
68% of people with epilepsy have been left ‘unsatisfied’ or ‘very unsatisfied’ with their PIP assessment, according to our latest survey.

The system is chronically flawed and failing people with epilepsy. A drastic overhaul is needed.


#MakeWelfareFair In the survey of 700 people who have claimed PIP 82% stated their assessor did not understand epilepsy, and that the PIP claim form and assessment questions do not accurately capture the difficulties of living with a fluctuating and invisible condition.
