How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App quote is from an essay by @AshleyDawsonNYC and Penny Lewis, "New York: Academic Labor Town?," in The University Against Itself: The NYU Strike and the Future of the Academic Workplace, eds. Krause, Nolan, Palm & Ross. and social science disciplines do not evolve independently of one another. Since econ became hegemonic in non-macro policy fields (70s), we see a recurrent dynamic., a more coherent response to this paper. I say this with respect for the intent of the research as well as admiration for the analytical effort behind this massive project. 1960s was a high-water mark for antitrust enforcement in the U.S. The Supreme Court kept invalidating mergers that would have produced what now looks like a negligible amount of concentration., let’s unpack it. What Buttigieg is saying here is that college brings $$ to those who complete it. But the people who finish college are, on average, better off to start with. And even if they weren’t, they now have more earning power, b/c college.