Erica Bailey, girl professor Profile picture
AP @BerkeleyHaas | Studying authenticity & the self | PhD @Columbia_Biz | Community College alum
May 7, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
having worked in ~industry~ I am not under any illusion that it's that much better than working in academia. BUT there are few things I really really miss that could be easily applied in Ph.D. programs and labs /oh no, a thread VACATION DAYS: companies have a set-in-stone number of vacation days. this means there is no consternation about taking that time off, it was weird not to. without any idea how many days to take off, Ph.D. students feel guilty about even one vacation day (hey it's me!) 1/
Oct 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
currently running a 300 person study on prolific which involved a screening survey (and attention check) filtered on workers who have a 98% approval rate or higher. how is it going, you ask???? so far from manually reviewing the responses twice a day every day, I've flagged 22 participants IDs that are all liked to around 7-10 people who have at least two if not more accounts. One person has AT LEAST SIX different Prolific accounts.