Eric Kingsbury Profile picture
Avid pedestrian, history geek, erstwhile politico. Not as funny as I think I am. CA Dem Assembly District Delegate, AD19. President @D2Dems. Board @SFMCA.
Feb 21, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
Post-debate, my dad - Boomer born in 1950 - called me to ask why Sanders appeals to the young. He’s supporting Bloomberg or Pete after supporting Bernie in 2016 for reasons that pretty much boiled down to misogyny. While I don’t ‘Feel the Bern,’ here’s what I told him. [Thread] First, full disclosure, I’m an ‘older’ Millennial - born '88 - a white, college-educated guy and a Warren supporter. I was a tepid Hillary supporter in the 2016 primary and general but my sympathies have always been on the left. Still, I’m a New Deal liberal, not a Dem Socialist.
Jul 6, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday, I decided to do something a little bit crazy - I decided to walk the 49 Mile Scenic Drive in San Francisco. Needless to say, it took 16 hours and I'm more than a bit hobbled today. Here are a few things I observed while traversing our fine city: First, the 49 mils is a dirty lie! Just like how San Francisco is not 49 square miles (it's ~47), the drive is closer to 46 miles, and slightly shorter on foot since the detours built around one-way streets don't come into play.