aaron reiss Profile picture
Visual Journalist, Map Maker, and Researcher. I make work for places like @NYTimes, @NewYorker, @ThisAmerLife, @TheAtlantic, @IDEO, and more
Sep 16, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
A few years ago, my wife took a job that relocated our family to Mexico City. In my time there, I got to learn a little about that amazing city.

Today, I published a story about some of the sounds that define the sonic landscape of CDMX:
pudding.cool/2022/09/cdmx/ I have a TON to say about this project and how it got made, but I'll post that later.

I will say that I am BEYOND proud to publish my second large scale interactive this year that is FULLY bilingual — last time in Chinese, this time in Spanish.
Mar 17, 2022 38 tweets 21 min read
I just published this story and I wanted to share a little bit about how a large-scale, multimedia, interactive story gets made for a place like the @nytimes — as a freelance journalist.

nytimes.com/interactive/20… 2/ In my experience, the opportunity to produce something like this — as a freelancer — is rare. So I thought it might be interesting to other freelancers to see some the journey and share what I learned along the way.

(+ I wanted to thank 🙏 some of the many people who helped)
Mar 12, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
In 1985, NYC ordered 155 bilingual street signs to hang in Chinatown. Today, only 101 remain. We set out to map them 🧵👇

My latest for @nytimes, a multimedia investigation into the forgotten history and slow disappearance of NYC's Chinese signs:

nytimes.com/interactive/20… 2/ This story is the culmination of 9 years of on-and-off research and the product of a huge team effort, help from countless individuals and organizations, dozens of visits to dusty archives and windowless government offices, street canvassing, digging, begging, and nudging.
Feb 18, 2021 63 tweets 13 min read
1/ I’m sorry to be late to this conversation, but feel proud to be able to echo what so many former colleagues have already said.

A thread about my time at Gimlet and thoughts on the current Reply All controversy 2/ As context, I worked at @Gimlet for a little under 2 years. I worked for the show ELT. I started as an intern, was picked up as a contract associate producer, and then hired as a full time associate producer.
Aug 9, 2020 39 tweets 18 min read
I am a freelance journalist. Some months I make $0, some months I make $3,000. I'll be donating 2.5% of each month's income to different charities fighting for meaningful change. I encourage you to make a commitment, however small, to continued support for causes you care about. For my July earnings, I'm donating 2.5% of my pre-tax income to The Ida B. Wells Society For Investigative Reporting idabwellssociety.org

Their mission Is to increase "the ranks, retention and profile of reporters and editors of color in the field of investigative reporting"