Erin Bates Profile picture
Award-winning South African journalist. @carteblanchetv anchor and presenter. Available for freelancing. Retweets ≠ endorsements. Views ≠ those of my employers.
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Nov 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
[JUST IN] Reaction in now from the @PresidencyZA on the Section 89 independent panel conclusions President Cyril Ramaphosa "may" be guilty of serious misconduct, violating PRECCA law, acting at odds with his oath and exposing himself to a conflict of interest. The statement reads, "The Presidency appreciates that according to the rules of the National Assembly, the NA needs to consider the report and determine the most appropriate way forward."
Nov 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
[BREAKING] The independent Section 89 panel into Phala Phala concludes President Cyril Ramaphosa "may" have committed serious misconduct, violated sections of the PRECCA Act, acted inconsistently with his oath of office and exposed himself to a conflict of interest. Panelists retired Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, retired judge Thokozile Masipa & senior Advocate Mahlape Sello note "a number of important questions relating to this transaction [...] remain unanswered" incl. on the game buyer's farm visit, payment and US$ cash stored in a sofa.
Nov 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The @AuditorGen_SA Tsakani Maluleke's general report released yesterday is staggering. R51bn was reported lost to irregular expenditure in 2021/22, three SOEs are on the brink of collapse, while the Western Cape leads with 17 clean audits. Three years ago the Free State had none. Image While R51.22bn in irregular expenditure was logged the true sum could be even higher because 25% of auditees failed to report correctly or in full. "The AGSA could also not audit contracts worth R2.53bn because of missing or complete information," Maluleke said.
Jun 25, 2021 104 tweets 21 min read
#AceMagashule #AcevsAnc #MagashulevsANC Proceedings have resumed in a virtual sitting of the South Gauteng High Court, in the matter between suspended ANC SG Ace Magashule and the ANC's president, deputy SG, and party itself. #AceMagashule #AcevsAnc #MagashulevsANC Advocate Mahlape Sello for Magashule is dealing with two outstanding matters of his submissions. She refers to 3 May 2021 minutes of the ANC's NWC which refers to stepping aside not being an indication of guilty or innocence.
Jun 24, 2021 63 tweets 12 min read
#AceMagashule #MagashulevsANC Judge Jody Kollapen has asked parties about several intervention applications, he has awarded 15 minutes for oral submissions on an intervention application from Mutumwa Mawere, who is representing himself. Mawere begins. Mawere begins saying, "This matter is unusual in the sense that [it] is in the background [a] fight for control of the ANC in the backdrop." He says the SG and ANC "seem not to be at one" whereas, essentially, his interest to intervene is predicated on his own issue.
Apr 19, 2021 17 tweets 8 min read
[SEVERAL MINUTES AGO] #StateCaptureInquiry The Chairperson says, "During the week I got a report that somebody apparently fired a shot through the window of one of the offices of the commission. It must have been in the evening and a bullet was found in one of the offices..." #StateCaptureInquiriy Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo says, "Of course, over the weekend, there was a break in at the offices of the commission. The law enforcement agencies are investigating these matters."
Oct 17, 2020 21 tweets 8 min read
It may be advisable to brace yourself. I'm emerging from hours of mind-numbing reality TV and about to commence a retrospective of nostalgic things. Exhibit A: Colgate shampoo (with a special nod to the apple and egg options). Exhibit B: Tinkies. These were an especially desirable junior school lunch commodity (which I seldom enjoyed, on account of my parent's peanut butter sandwich and apple policy).
Aug 11, 2020 77 tweets 30 min read
#StateCaptureInquiry Today's @StateCaptureCom proceedings have begun. Matters concerning former Minister of Finance, Des van Rooyen, are set down for today. Van Rooyen is also scheduled to cross-examine Lungisa Fuzile, former Director General of @TreasuryRSA, for an hour. #StateCaptureInquiry Advocate Thabani Masuku SC is standing on behalf on Van Rooyen. He describes correspondence from inquiry representatives and the "unusual procedure" proposed for today, namely that Van Rooyen testify first and then have leave to cross-examine Fuzile.
Aug 4, 2020 87 tweets 28 min read
[CORRECTED] #StateCaptureInquiry Today's @StateCaptureCom proceedings begin. Legal team head Advocate Paul Pretorius SC stands before Chair Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Pretorius raises a report by the @PublicProtector, and court papers on a Free State *asbestos* project. #StateCaptureInquiry "That investigation report has been signed by the investigators and will be referred to in the end," says Pretorius. It contains documents and witness transcripts ands statements. He names the witness: Jacobus Roets as an expert on asbestos.
Jul 24, 2020 75 tweets 26 min read
"Well, Mr Shakoana what is the real reason your client wants a postponement [...] why has she not had a full and proper consultation with her legal team from the time she at least knew that the matter would be coming up today?" asks Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. #StateCaptureInquiry Zondo notes that Judge Makhubela was sent a letter on 6 July 2020. He says that "we are not talking about a layperson [...] we are talking about a judge" and asks when attorneys were consulted. Advocate Gift Shakoane SC asks for a moment to check.
Jun 17, 2020 30 tweets 7 min read
[HAPPENING NOW] Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi opens the briefing and introduces the Head of the Hawks, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya. Mulaudzi indicates the address today will concern VBS alone. Lebeya begins. He describes the origins of VBS Bank and its development into a mutual bank. He says today the Hawks conducted a simultaneous search and seizure operations in 10 premises in Gauteng and Limpopo.
May 28, 2020 98 tweets 16 min read
[HAPPENING NOW] Minister in the Presidency @JacksonMthembu_ opens a briefing now by the National Command Council on #coronavirus. He indicates the remarks to follow will provide further detail on level three regulations. He introduces Minister of COGTA Dr Nkosazana @DlaminiZuma. Dlamini-Zuma says 84 days have lapsed since the first identified case of #coronavirus in South Africa and since then South Africa has been "led by the steady hand" of the President. She names scientists, among others, who have provided input.
Mar 23, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
[HAPPENING NOW] Presidency Cyril Ramaphosa begins his address. "The response of South African people to this crisis has been remarkable," he says. "Most South Africans have accepted the restrictions that have been placed on their freedom and their lives," he continues. Ramaphosa describes different sectors of society which have come forward to accept this national challenge, many of which he says have had to make difficult decisions and sacrifices, which are understood to be necessary for South Africa to emerge from this disaster.
Feb 4, 2020 105 tweets 45 min read
#NeilAggett #AggettInquest Today's proceedings begin. Maurice Smithers continues testifying. After his evidence concludes, Firoz Cachalia is set to testify. Smithers says he was not kept at John Vorster Square, he slept at Randburg police cells. #NeilAggett #AggettInquest "As soon as you were arrested they would take away your shoelaces, belt, a scarf if you had one," says Smithers. He describes distinctive features - Aggett's chin, beard and hair - which helped Smithers identify Aggett during an interrogation.
Feb 3, 2020 115 tweets 49 min read
#NeilAggett #AggettInquest Proceedings resume before Judge Motsamai Makume in Court 8F in the South Gauteng High Court. Parmananthan "Prema" Naidoo resumes his testimony about his detention at John Vorster Square, among other places. "The ANC operated with - and the South African Communist Party - they had cells in various parts of the country. A cell would comprise of three of four people," says Naidoo. "I really never belonged to the cell but I was known by the ANC. I was known by the Communist Party."
Jan 29, 2020 94 tweets 46 min read
#NeilAggett #AggettInquest Former Minister of Public Enterprises Barbara Hogan is in Court 8F at the South Gauteng High Court. Today's proceedings have not yet begun in this matter. First Judge Motsamai Makhume is handing down two orders in other matters. #NeilAggett #AggettInquest Advocate Howard Varney stands to first provide an update on the track of records from the first inquest into Dr Neil Aggett's death in 1982. He says the University of Sussex archive seems to have an original copy of a certain file.
Jan 16, 2020 32 tweets 18 min read
#StateCaptureInquiry Head of the Hawks, General Godfrey Lebeya, has just entered the @StateCaptureCom hall. @StateCaptureCom #StateCaptureInquiry Chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has entered and proceedings are underway. He says to Advocate Susan Wentzel she needs to apply her mind to how much Lebeya's statement falls within the Terms of Reference of the inquiry.
Dec 2, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
This morning alleged white supremacist terrorist Harry Johannes Knoesen and three co-accused are set to appear in the Middelburg Magistrate's Court, following his arrest on Thursday in Middelburg and their arrest on Sunday in Kliprivier. Magistrate Lindiwe Vuyeka is presiding. #TerrorPlot The Hawks, Crimes Against The State squad and national crime intelligence have, per a statement, been working on this investigation for two years. The four accused are now in court and proceedings are in session.