Erna Mahyuni Profile picture
Gmail: earnestlyerna Probably the most annoying columnist you know Also ernamh@bluesky
Dec 13, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
In my 20s I was very broke. One time on my first week at a new job, my last paycheque was late so I bought one cheese bun and ate pieces from it for days at work. Colleagues thought I was a snob for not eating with them. You wouldn't be able to tell I had no money. From all appearances I seemed while not rich, but not hard up. I didn't tell people my $$ struggles and could not get help from family as my family also had no $$ to spare, and I was the eldest.
Dec 11, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
CW: TMI incoming
I hate being shoved 'eco-friendly' menstrual items rhetoric because I have health reasons I won't/can't go near a cup. Tried reusable pads - if you have very predictable, non heavy periods maybe. I bleed like I'm dying with lots and lots of clots. Rainy season - what do I do if I've used up all my reusable pads and the ones I've washed aren't dry yet? Honestly after trying them they're more trouble than convenience and if you're in a mall/working in the office -_- good luck to you if you have mega heavy periods like me
Dec 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Again, Muhyiddin is learning he can't depend on just one race to stay in power. His anti-Christian/anti non-Muslim rhetoric will alienate Borneo. Even the Church Association told Christians to vote - a big deal because it likes to be as apolitical as possible. Muhyiddin likes assuming benda bangang 'oh kulit gelap pergi gereja ni mesti Melayu' macam tak pernah jumpa orang Sabah/Sarawak. -_- for a man that old he sure is an ignorant POS
Dec 3, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
We dodged a bullet but had to swallow a bitter pill. We need to think about how so many Malaysians chose theocracy and race supremacy. My sister said she met a student who told her she didn't care if she/her kids lived in poverty so long as they lived in a religious country. I've said so many times - as a nation, we have forgotten how to dream. When our kids, and even our middle-aged and old people are fixated only on 'earning' heaven and ignoring systemic injustices, excusing cruelty in the name of faith - we cannot progress.
Dec 2, 2022 31 tweets 10 min read
Because I really, really hate the book I'm reading (for second time as I speedread) The Cabinet analysis you did not ask for! Anwar as MOF: he's held the portfolio before and will be able to acclimatise quickly. BN cannot be trusted with the portfolio, Rafizi is far too polarising and with the economy being what it is, it'll be easier if he holds it I guess?
Dec 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Let people enjoy not-great food, sigh. My mother when we were struggling made soy sauce minced meat by reconstituting cheap burger meat or cut up nuggets and fried them with egg. Anything to stretch protein. It's not 'great' but it fed us. And I make them sometimes, to remember Sure, a lot of McD food isn't 'great' per se - but I think people also attach memories to the food. Even if objectively the meat isn't great and the sauce is weird, but taste buds remember that first try. And sometimes we just like or dislike a food because of how we felt.