Emmett Shear Profile picture
applied developmental cybernetics researcher, looking for a field theory of mind
9 subscribers
Mar 9 14 tweets 3 min read
When I was CEOing at Twitch one of the thing I’d do every batch of interns was a very short presentation on the origins of the company and then a Q&A. One of the questions was always, “Where should I work and what job should I get, or should I start a company?” It’s an interesting question to try to answer for an intern I didn’t really know, because of course the actual answer is dependent on that person and their life. So I had to figure out how to articulate the framework I used.
Feb 22 7 tweets 1 min read
Epistemic status: wild speculation but also I’m clearly right

There is a single general factor — we could call it maybe somatic integrity — which determines a large fraction of the total variance in attributes between people. It’s appears to be mostly inherited, bc it appears to be driven by things like low mutation load, lack of environmental insults, healthy womb environment, etc. It’s mostly baked by the time you’re born and can only go down from there.
Jan 17 8 tweets 2 min read
All heuristics are the same when they give you the right answer, because the right answer doesn’t change depending on how you arrive at it. So when you’re picking a heuristic, you’re really choosing what kinds of mistakes you want to make. And that depends on what kind of failures you can tolerate.
Jan 12 11 tweets 2 min read
0) Causal resonance is an important idea that I have quite seen defined anywhere so I’m going to take a whack at it. 1) you can view any system as an agent, or as a channel
Dec 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I got prescribed a drug you took once a day for ~120 days, preferably at the same hour. So I set an alarm on my phone, carried my pills with me everywhere, and took them. When my MD asked about compliance and I said I hadn’t missed any pills, they expressed significant surprise. Reflecting on why I had such high consistency was interesting. There’s no way I’d have spontaneously remembered to take the pill at the same time without a system. I’m not particularly disciplined! I’d even say the opposite. I was surprised every evening when my alarm went off.
Oct 3, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Catalysis lowers the free energy requirements to access some part of the state space. Constraint does the opposite by increasing instead. So if you understand the world as a space subject to thermodynamics, catalysis and constraint are the two fundamental actions any agent can take to change the world.
Sep 30, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
The idea of a sufficient statistic is one of the most powerful ideas that I somehow missed in my academic education even though I took a fair amount of statistics. Like ~everything else in statistics, it was invented by Sir Ronald Fisher but had fallen out of favor because of the rise of descriptive statistics. With inferential statistics coming back in fashion sufficient statistics have come back too.
Jul 13, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Agency thread:
The thing that struck me about this is how much it is really about blame-management rather than solution-management. Does an automated camera barking at people actually make them move? Who knows, but no one can accuse the dumb camera of discrimination — because it doesn’t discriminate on any basis at all, reasonable of wrong.
May 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
In biochemistry there are “autocatalytic sets”. Each peptide catalyzes the formation of the next, until the last peptide catalyzes the production of the first one again. This is a “critical” system (criticality is ~the boundary between order and chaos)
In a normal state space the % of critical states is small. Basically, it’s hard to find one sampling at random. They’re also not in any predictable place, there’s no way to know if a state is critical without testing it. So it seems finding those 3 ideas is impossible!
Apr 9, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Apropos the recent controversy: the word delve is rarely used in English. Except used by LLMs, and in formal register Nigerian English.

This has sparked controversy bc making fun of someone for using “delve” and sounding like an AI (which it does indicate in a probabilistic way) could reasonably feel like an attack on a Nigerian using their formal register.
Mar 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The jump between the second panel and the third holds the entire secret. The correct question is asked (why am I not?), and then artfully avoided by an associative switch to self judgement.
There is some reason you’re not doing them, and but it’s hiding. If you could but stay with the question you’ve already asked for even thirty seconds, much might become clear. This is the Chinese finger trap of Trying. You are Trying to act, and thus not acting. You are Trying to be more productive, and thus not producing.
Mar 14, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
You have 168 hours per week.
For most, sleep takes 56 of those.
A full time job is anyone 40.
Food, grooming, exercise add another 18 if you’re reasonably efficient.
Misc obligatory bullshit paperwork like taxes or errands, another 7.
This leaves you with 47 hours! 47 hours to dispose of as you see fit. You can get so much done in 47 hours! And that’s without counting overlapping eg. food with socialization.
Mar 5, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
An LLM, properly understood, is a physics simulator in the domain of words (tokens). It learns the hidden structures that predict, as a physics simulator trained on video footage learns momentum and rigidity. From this POV, A prompt gives the LLM-as-physics-simulator an initial set of observations from which it infers an initial state. It then enters a loop of predicting the next evolved state and resulting observations, which it uses inductively to predict the next state, etc.
Mar 4, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The fantasy of the all-powerful slave has legs: the genie bound to grant wishes, the golem that defends, the spell that animates a broom to clean on its own, the Mr MeeSeeks box.
They share a commonality: a deep intuition that this goes wrong somehow.

There is deep truth in this. Enslaving a powerful, intelligent being to your will and making it work for you while treating it as a an object is not a good idea. It backfires with people, but also with animals (train a dog like that and you will not get good results).
Feb 24, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Reddit is going IPO as $RDDT, the first social media IPO in some time. As someone who spent some substantial time running a social media company, my takes on the Reddit IPO: 1/ The allocation for reddit’s power users is so cool. I hope ppl realize it’s a gift, bc usually those are fought over by insiders like the bank’s favored clients or institutional investors. Reddit is giving away a free option, and that has real value.
Jan 8, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
A friend asked me if I knew of anything written on abstraction and protocols in society. I realized actually yeah, I absolutely have some recommendations. So, an unusual protocols thread: Of course first, the @vgr podcast my friend listened to, a broad look at the nature and engineering of protocols themselves podcastaddict.com/infinite-loops…
Jan 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Epistemic status: seems true enough to me, no one knows anything
So, I believe that building an AI capable of self-improvement at a level equal to our ability to improve it is intrinsically a very dangerous proposition.
Yet I do not support a pause or stop at this time. Why not? Let’s play this out. Right now building a model that moves the frontier forward requires billions of dollars and top researchers. That is likely to remain true as long as we keep pushing forward.
Jan 3, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Have you ever noticed that ideologies are always formed around writers who love to write a lot of words? They often cover the same few ideas, over and over, in different ways. But mostly it's a LOT of words.

This is not an accident. This is because the way you create an ideology is to create a lens with which to see the entire world, all of the things. This involves imprinting a very large psychic object into someone's head.
Dec 31, 2023 10 tweets 1 min read
A collection of recent thoughts pondering optionality: The value of optionality increases as the future becomes less certain.
Dec 31, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Often when two sides disagree strongly over an issue between A and B someone will come along and say, stop being silly. We should just compromise and choose point C in the middle! Let’s split the difference. This is not valid logically, of course. Splitting the difference between good and bad gets you a solution that is half bad (“let’s half abolish half of slavery!”), splitting the difference between bad and other bad gets you bad again.
Dec 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
One giveaway you’re thinking in tribal terms rather than truth-seeking ones: talking about someone “owning” or “annihilating” or “crushing” someone else. It’s the mindset that says arguments are soldiers and debate is war, and changing your mind is giving ground to the enemy. Sometimes the debate itself will actually be legitimately truth seeking, but the audience will still be stuck in tribal mode getting amped when someone lands a great rhetorical uppercut.