How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the former, I knew people who died and my apartment had a layer of ash and acrid smell that took months to get out. The latter same and just, everyone was affected directly idea that he’s going to suddenly stop destroying twitter and turn it into a near monopoly of everything you do on the internet is a joke. Let’s just take one claim: X will run half the global finance system. they’re happy to be disdainful of working class people if they’re not white. Single POCs moms on SNAP who work two jobs? Giant assholes! last time I guy did this to me it was in a nice bar and he was drunk and white and wearing a suit and no one said wow, the fancy bars are a safety problem for women. I’ve seen it on the subway once. I supposedly safe enclaves far more. you do really want to understand why certain clusters of Hispanic populations embrace right wing ideologies, there’s a wealth of data and history. But any time you hear a singular explanation, you should distrust it because Hispanics are not a cultural monolith I understand this from personal experience a bit: I took the editor in chief job at the Observer because the NYO was a big deal to me. I knew Jared was a bad manager but it was like being asked to the drummer in your favorite band which was now under shitty management had two mentors in college at Duke. one was in the policy department and one in the poli sci department. She (policy) was liberal, we read Alinsky on top of the Econ work, which skewed Keynesian. She insisted that I would eventually be a writer, which had not occurred to me. of like when people who object to diversity in hiring say it’s because they just want the best candidates. In their minds a workforce composed of the best candidates is more white and male, not less. you have insurance you can get drugs that treat symptoms and not causes for low cost, but not therapy. I went back into therapy three months ago after 6 years of not and I have good insurance. I still pay $325 out of pocket per session. I guess if my dad had owned an emerald mine and i grew up rich and I got millions in government subsidies for my companies, I might own a $100 billion company! Or two. I like Crooked and enjoy the pod, but the most bizarre disconnect i see between political lifers and the electorate is thinking that they evaluate intentional political messaging on its own and don’t just form opinions based on the totality of what they consume media-wise