🐨 After the show was aired, this is the most number of calls I've received since we debuted.
When I took a look at the screenshots and article titles (people sent to me), there were quite a lot of provocative and partially interpreted keywords +
in them such as disband, hiatus, big announcement, etc.
It's not like we didn't know this will take place nor that we didn't prepare for this but indeed it feels bitter. It's not that I was expecting you to watch the entire video where we cry and express everything..
Jun 14, 2022 • 32 tweets • 17 min read
I'm rewatching the FESTA dinner live now (yes i love pain i guess)
And will post the small errors in the ENG subs in this thread
🐥 Jin would go so well with the song ❌
🐥 I thought it'd be great if hyung (🐱) could do it together with me ✔️
🐰 He would be so busy if I asked him too ❌
🐰 If I also make a request to Pdogg PD-nim, won't his head explode? ✔️
Jun 14, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Oh the pandemic?
You can say they had time to collect themselves during the 2 years of pandemic, but that was the exact time that shattered them
Where their normality turned into unfamiliarity.
They always watched a million smiles, heard a million cheers..
Had so many things to do, so many words to say and in the blink of an eye they felt like being on a desert
They felt like they were seeing the crash they feared...
Jun 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I didn't cry for nothing...
It was so heartbreaking to see them bottle up their feelings and shed tears talking about their hard times and how they were afraid to disappoint us. My heart aches looking at how much they love each other, love army, love being together as bts
I couldn't bear to see them fight back their tears and confess to us how difficult it has been for them, how they only ran looking ahead and couldn't get to discover more of them, how they wished they could go on forever as bts with the same sincerity as when they started
🐯 We're happy. Though all 7 of our likes dislikes, personalities, tendencies, and tempos are all different, our thoughts about ARMY are all the same, so we decided to continue just Run BTS.
I was scared now that we've been only going+
ahead by looking above us through the past 10 years, and I had to giveup on myself for the team, and I couldn't keep a count of the exhaustion and hardships that always came following the happiness within.
Now that this is the beginning of our healthy steps taken in order to +
Jun 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
220613 mcountdown pre-recording
PD👤 We'll be using the LSG (Low Smoke Generator) now~
🐰 Why msg?
👤 *explains that it's the smoke machine*
🐰 Ahh LSG!
🐿 I learned something new today
🐨 I thought it was something similar to Min Suga (msg)
🐿 It's not msg but lsg! L.S.G
🐯 Then don't we have High Smoke Generator?
🐹 Taehyung-ah... your sense of humour is retiring day by day I see
🐯 And it's okay when hyung does it?
🐹 Mine is already retired
🐿 If hyung is funny here, then I'll acknowledge you
🐹 Do I look like a comedian?
🐥 It's our 9th anniversary armys.
It's the day BTS was born and the precious day we met you for the very first time, so I'm really glad to have met you on such a precious day.
I have a lot of words to say and alot of emotions to convey, but +
every time a year passes by, it's all the same thing..
I think that the weight of the simple words such as Thank You, I'm Sorry, I Love You get heavier every time.
But these are the only words that can be expressed by words.
Thanks for coming running towards us at any time +
Jun 12, 2022 • 43 tweets • 10 min read
🐨 Hello, greeting you through Melon Station BIGHIT MUSIC RECORD, 2! 3! We are
💜 BTS!
🐨 Hello I'm RM 🐹 Hello I'm Jin
🐰 Hello I'm Jungkook 🐿 Hello I'm jhope~
🐯 Hello I'm V
🐱 Hello I'm suga 🐥 Hello I'm Jimin~
🐨 Our members previously greeted you through units right? We spoke about the history of BTS' albums in 3 episodes
🐹 Today the 7 of us gathered together for the last of the BTS Chronicles
🐱 Right, the reason we gathered here together?
This is going to be my first performance at @lollapalooza It's a thrilling new challenge that I think will become a really memorable chapter in my musical history! I'm gonna give you guys a great show. Get ready to get crazyyyyyy! 😬😁🥰
@ lollapalooza 에서 첫 개인 공연입니다.
저한테는 굉장한 도전이고
저의 음악 활동에 있어 크게 기억될 히스토리의 한 부분이라고도 생각이 드네요!
멋지게 보여드릴게요.
🐱 Greeting you through Melon Station BIGHIT MUSIC RECORD~ 2!3! We are
🐥🐱 BTS!
🐱 Hello~~ Nice to meet you it's me Suga
🐥 Hello, I'm Jimin
🐱 Yes, so we got to come back here at Melon Station +
through BMR after a long time! I heard the other members already did it, right?
🐥 That's right. We're looking back at BTS' musical journey since debut to now in units and now we're the last runners~
🐱 Yes, as much as we're the last runners, let's make use of this time to the +
Jun 3, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Their reactions to the song picks in #SpotifyPurpleU is so cute so here they are! 😂
We had to visit the U.S this time.
You'd probably be knowing what event did we participate in.
Thankfully and honourably, we were able to participate in this event representing all you armys +
who are of diverse race, nationalities, and cultures, and raise our voices on it too.
But I wonder if the me who's here representing all of you is very inexperienced/immature (to be there).
I want to express my apologies for causing worries because of my immaturity all along.+