Eugene Finkel Profile picture
Professor, Johns Hopkins SAIS. Study horrible things, write books. The current one:
Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Jon Kitchen 🟧🟦💔 Profile picture Democracy’N’Peace Profile picture John Nicholas Profile picture XpatJock #IStandWithUkraine 🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jan 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Today Ukraine celebrates its Unity Day. On this day in 1919 Ukraine People's Republic (UNR) proclaimed unification with the West Ukraine People's Republic (ZUNR), originally roughly the area of Austro-Hungarian Eastern Galicia. Both states failed and the ZUNR especially is barely known to anyone but a handful of historians. Yet it was a bold even if short-lived political experiment, especially when it came to Ukrainian-Jewish relations. Western Ukraine is known as the land of Bandera, extreme nationalism, anti-Semitic violence etc. RU propaganda goes to
Sep 24, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this week a journalist asked me how this might end now, with the partial mobilization and referendums. I said that I don't see a realistic endgame scenario. Then I spent several days thinking about it. I still don't see it, at least not anytime soon. So, some thoughts 1/ 1. Ukraine has the will, the resources and the capacity to fight. Even if Russia mobilizes every bear in Siberia and reindeer in Yakutia, Ukraine will keep fighting. Even if Russia uses nuclear weapons, Ukraine will keep fighting. I think this should clear to everyone by now 2/
Aug 21, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
This is interesting. Assuming that this NRA even exists and it is not a FSB outfit, there are very good reasons to be either very skeptical or very excited. I researched the emergence of resistance groups in highly opressive environments. My own work on Jewish resistance in the ghettos but I have also read about many, many other cases. The truth is that the vast majority of nascent resistance or insurgent groups are nipped in the bud before they manage to do anything. If some get lucky and do something notable, they tend to be destroyed immediately
Jun 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I had good reasons to hate Russian security services before. Now I am just exploding. I feel angry, I feel stupid, I feel naive, I feel tired. I got played. I had him in class. Twice, in fact. One class was half-Zoom during COVID, several interactions outside classroom He had a weird accent I couldn’t identify, not a Russian one. Nothing Russian I could notice and I am a native speaker. Presented himself as Brazilian, Irish roots so weird accent made sense. Unlike this crazy cover letter, he was very smart and competent in class. He didn’t take
Apr 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As expected, my claim that we see a genocide in Ukraine is being contested by several other scholars. That’s normal, that is what scholars do. What is more important is that even those who disagree with me (at least those views that I saw) and think that my genocide claim goes /1 too far, especially given the limited data we have, still believe that at the very least we are talking about atrocity crimes. Put simply, the argument is not about whether Russia does truly horrible things to Ukraine and Ukrainians but which term describes the horror better /2
Apr 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Got questions about why I think it is genocide. Until this morning I resisted applying the term. War crimes? Sure. Heinous rhetoric? You bet. What changed is the combination of more and more evidence, from different places, and even more importantly, explicit official rhetoric /1 The official legal definition of genocide is "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such". When I teach genocide I start by saying that this definition has huge problems because it doesn't give us /2
Feb 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Germany is hugely important to stopping this madness, but that doesn't mean that other countries should be left off the hook. It pains me, but one such country is my own, Israel. First, IL government had to be dragged kicking /1… And screaming to even condemn the invasion. Then the official tune shifted to "our hearts are with the people of Ukraine but we need to be careful because Russia owns Syria". And whenever there is even a hint of security concerns you can count on Israel not do the right thing /2
Feb 25, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Wasn't sure if to write this. It is blunt and will offend surely many but I have privilege and therefore, responsibility. It is also long and personal. I am writing for Germans, but in English. It will reach more people this way and my German is not good enough. /1 This here is Kyiv, 1941. The city where my grandmother and many relatives lived. Some escaped, some haven't. If you are German, you of course know that Germans did it. Let's be more specific. Chances are, someone in your immediate or extended family been there and done that /2 Image