How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App theses about the German past are very enticing, I get it. Scratch a German and he must be a Nazi! there were a few weeks in March where FlaTTenInG tHe CuRvE and related idiocy were a genuine goal. Thereafter exaggerating the curve became the order of the day, to rationalise their insane restrictions. The witches of these hunts are typically older widowed or single femael peasants who are first denounced by relatives or neighbours. Many of them seem to have been operating side business in divination, folk healing, etc. taxes and regulatory restrictions merely cause emissions-intensive industries to decamp overseas, where they can emit even more intensely. Market forces, meanwhile, ensure that regional restrictions on fossil fuel consumption are almost perfectly offset abroad. must be, in regards to all things, a massively greater respect for how things fucking are, and how people already fucking act and feel, and a massively greater impatience with ideas for how education and stoopid femael scolding might change them to be some other way. aren't US cities more like European ones? "Well," the line goes, "we don't have enough bike lanes." What makes this discourse especially ironic, is the fact that the alleged deficiencies of American urbanism are a *response* to racial crime & disorder. is recognition that this is inherent, and natural. The understanding that Nature – not artificial and arbitrary SoCiAL ConStrUCtS – determine parameters of human society, whether this is acknowledge or not.