Eva Gril Profile picture
PhD student investigating @ForMicroclimate @UMR_EDYSAN @upjv @INEE_CNRS #climatechange #forest #microclimate 🌳 Science blogger: https://t.co/b2nK4ShK16
Jan 5, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read
Hurray! My 1st first-author paper is now published - open-access - in @MethodsEcolEvol 🥳doi.org/10.1111/2041-2…
"Slope and equilibrium: A parsimonious and flexible approach to model #microclimate" ⛱️🌡️
Let me tell you what this new method is all about... As ecologists, we know that temperature matters to organisms... And especially #microclimate temperature -locally experienced by biodiversity- rather than just the available coarse-grained temperature, which is based on weather station data (macroclimate, resolution 1 to 9 km) Weather stations are unlike...