Eva J. Koulouriotis | إيفا كولوريوتي Profile picture
Middle East Expert | Jihadist groups. Bylines @AFP @AJArabic @AlQudsAlarabi, @The_NewArab, @Syriawise, @Arabnews. For inquiries: contact@evakoulourioti.com
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Sep 17 9 tweets 3 min read
#Thread #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Syria #Lebanon #Hezbollah #USA #Yemen #Houthis
After about five hours from the explosions that hit the communications network of the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, an analytical reading of this major event, before and after it.
1 🧵 About 12 hours before the event, the Israeli cabinet had concluded a meeting that lasted for several hours, which mainly discussed the future of Israel's northern front and ended with the announcement of the return of the residents of northern Israel to their homes as a goal of the war. It is necessary to review the previous thread in which I analyzed this step.
Sep 17 7 tweets 2 min read
#Thread #BREAKING #Lebanon #Israel
An unusual event is happening in Lebanon now and it may be the beginning of something bigger.
1 🧵 #Hezbollah militia has two communications systems to receive orders and information. The first is a ground communications system that relies on cables centered at Beirut International Airport. It is very complex and only includes important figures in the militia and command and control centers. The militia relies on another communications system, which is the automatic calling device known as the pager, which is the most widely used, as every member and leader in the militia carries this device to receive the latest orders and updates. Therefore, there are at least thousands of military and political members and leaders who carry this device, and even diplomatic figures.
Sep 16 12 tweets 4 min read
#Thread #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Houthis #Yemen #Lebanon #Hezbollah #USA #Syria #Russia
While Israeli officials insist that there is no way to return the residents of northern Israel to their homes safely except through a military operation in southern Lebanon, American officials believe that this operation could lead to a regional war. Is this claim true?
1 🧵Image At the outset, it must be emphasized that the #Biden administration has always stressed its rejection of escalation in the Middle East. Since the first day after the October 7 attack, American officials have worked intensively to prevent war in #Gaza and confirmed their support for a hostage exchange deal at the price of responding to some of Hamas’s demands. The American justification at the time was that the war against #Hamas could lead to a regional war in which Iran and its militias in the region would participate, and that ground battles in Gaza would be very costly militarily and humanly.
Sep 12 9 tweets 3 min read
#Thread #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Syria #Hezbollah
With Israeli sources confirming the details of the ground landing operation carried out by the IDF against an Iranian military facility in the Syrian Masyaf region, as I reported exclusively yesterday, through an article by journalist @BarakRavid in the American newspaper Axios, there are logical questions that must be answered.
1 🧵
axios.com/2024/09/12/isr… Some may wonder why the #IDF chose to risk an airdrop operation in the Masyaf area deep inside #Syria, near the Russian Khmeimim base and Hama military airport, where there is a large presence of Iranian-backed militias, while they could have bombed and destroyed the facility via warplanes or surface-to-surface missiles?
Sep 11 7 tweets 3 min read
#EXCLUSIVE #Israel #Syria #Iran #IRGC #Hezbollah
Last Thursday night, around 11:00, residents of western and central Syria heard the sounds of a large number of huge explosions in the direction of the Masyaf area near the Syrian-Lebanese border. These explosions were not the only thing that happened in Masyaf this evening.
1 🧵Image
Α security source confirmed to me that last Thursday evening, special forces from the |#IDF carried out a special operation against a military facility belonging to the #IRGC, six kilometers southwest of the Syrian city of Masyaf.
Jun 24 16 tweets 4 min read
#Thread #Cyprus #Hezbullah #Israel #USA #Iran #Greece #Hamas #Gaza
Although the speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah was scheduled in advance, after the assassination of the military leader in the militia, Abu Talib, its timing was very sensitive, in light of the tension on the Lebanese-Israeli border reaching its peak and urgent American action to reduce this tension through an urgent visit of the White House envoy Amos Hochstein to Lebanon and Israel.
1 🧵Image
The speech carried many messages, the most important of which was #Nasrallah’s emphasis on continuing to support #Gaza until there is a ceasefire there, despite internal and international pressure led by the Americans and the French.
Apr 15 15 tweets 3 min read
#Thread #Israel #Gaza #Hamas #Hezbollah #USA #Iran #IRGC #Syria
About 48 hours after the Iranian attack on Israel, an analysis of the current scene in the race for who will impose his rules in the Middle East and the choices of politicians in Israel.
1 🧵 Before engaging in an analysis of the Iranian attack and the possible Israeli response, it is necessary to emphasize that both sides of the conflict do not want a comprehensive war. We are facing a race linked to the rules of influence and deterrence in the region.
Apr 1 16 tweets 4 min read
#Thread #Israel #Gaza #Hamas #Hezbollah #USA #Iran #IRGC #Syria
In the most dangerous escalation in the Middle East since the attacks of October 7, the Israeli Air Force targeted with six missiles the Iranian consulate building and the residence of the Iranian ambassador in the Syrian capital, #Damascus.

1 🧵 The building, which belongs to the Iranian embassy and consists of four floors, is considered a very important security center through which leaders of the #IRGC manage their operations and plans in #Lebanon and #Syria, and it is considered Iranian territory.
Nov 23, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
#Thread #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Hamas #USA #Iran
Hours before the truce in the Gaza Strip enters into force, read the latest military and geopolitical developments for both sides of the war and the regional scene.
1/🧵 Image Although one of the terms of this truce is that it will last for four days, during these four days both #Qatar and the #US will work to intensify negotiations between the two sides of the war to extend this truce in exchange for the release of more hostages.
Nov 7, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
#Thread #Israel #Lebanon #Hezbollah #US #Hamas #Gaza
In light of the Israeli Defense Forces’ evacuation of all towns adjacent to the border with Lebanon, Israeli politicians began to wonder about the future of these borders after Gaza. What solutions are on the table?
1/🧵👇 Image Since Oct. 7 attack, the Israeli admin. adopted the decision to evacuate many towns close to the Lebanese border. Gradually, the evacuation process began to expand until it included all the villages to a depth of 5 km, with talk of expanding to 8 or 10 km.
Apr 3, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
Although I personally understand the Saudi concerns which led to this policy, I see it as a huge mistake and that Saudi Arabia will not be a winner from it. Surprisingly, the biggest winners from this energy crisis are #Russia and #Iran.
#KSA #USA #Biden #Ukraine #Israel #UAE Because of the ongoing war on #Ukraine and the economic sanctions on #Russia , the rise in energy prices makes the imports of oil gas very important to cover #Moscow's depletion in other fields.
Apr 3, 2022 8 tweets 8 min read
Thread : 🧵
With #OPEC Plus clinging to #oil pumping operations at nearly the same level, which leads to a continuous rise in fuel prices globally, in my opinion, the key to this crisis is in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
#KSA #USA #Russia #Ukraine #EU #NATO #Iran Image As it is known, #Riyadh is the second largest oil exporter in the world with about 10 mbd and the second largest reserves. #SaudiArabia also leads the #OPEC, which includes a number of oil exporters, making it an important influence on global oil prices.
Mar 11, 2022 11 tweets 13 min read
Thread : 🧵
Today, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announced that there are more than 16,000 volunteers ready to support and fight in #Lugansk and #Donetsk if #Russia requests it.
#Ukraine #USA #NATO #EU #UK #Biden This announcement was not surprising to me or to those familiar with the scene in #Syria in particular and the Middle East in general. In my opinion, #Moscow is able to mobilize more than double that number and has already started accepting recruitment requests.
Mar 11, 2022 6 tweets 9 min read
As I predicted two days ago, the Russian invasion of #Ukraine would directly affect the course of the negotiations in #Vienna on #Iran's nuclear program, which was declared frozen today.
To understand why, you can read the thread:👇
Signing the agreement would have meant a stab in the back for #Russia by opening the way for Iranian oil and gas to be pumped into the global market, which would turn the most dangerous Russian weapon against the West less severe.
#Iran #USA #EU #UK #NATO
Mar 10, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
A thread explaining the military, humanitarian, and diplomatic situation of #Mariupοl after around 10 days of siege of the city.
1/11 In the humanitarian scene, electricity has been cut off from the city since the beginning of the siege as a result of the Russian army’s targeting of power supply stations, causing the heating stopping in a cold winter weather with temperatures of -10 in the evening.
Mar 9, 2022 11 tweets 10 min read
Thread :🧵
Yesterday, the Polish government announced its agreement to relinquish a number of MiG-29s "immediately and free of charge" to the United States and transfer them in to the Ramstein base in #Germany.
#Ukraine #Russia #USA #NATO #Poland #EU #UK Image This step was met with fear and anxiety by the #Pentagon in #Washington under the pretext that it does not want the #US or any of the #NATO countries to have a direct role in the ongoing war in #Ukraine.
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Oct 14, 2021 6 tweets 7 min read
A number of TV channels and websites close to #Iran published a statement attributed to the so-called "Syria's Allies Operations Room" confirming that the #IDF targeted two of their sites in the vicinity of the Syrian city of #Palmyra.1/6
#Syria #Israel #IRGC #USA #Russia The statement indicated that the attack was carried out from over the Al-Tanf area and confirmed the deaths and injuries among the fighters of these militias. It also explicitly referred to an American role in this attack, and vowed to respond "very strong".2/6
Oct 11, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
Based on the complications and the Turkish officials high tone statements, the main question will be what are #Turkey's options in responding to what happened in southern Mari'? 1/6
#Russia #USA #Syria #Biden #Erdogan #Putin #Iran Image The first option, #Turkey may move towards exploiting what happened to carry out a media attack on the #YPG militia preparing for a military operation in another area less sensitive to #Russia (Ein al-Arab - Kobane city for example).2/6 Image
Oct 11, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
A Turkish convoy near the city of Mari', north of #Syria, was attacked by two anti-armour missiles from the Tal Rifat area, which led to the destruction of two cars, the death of two Turkish policemen, and injuring a number of others.1/7
#Russia #USA #YPG #SDF #Erdogan ImageImage The Turkish Interior Ministry confirmed that the Kurdish #YPG militia was behind this attack, as it controls the Tal Rifat area, while a number of Turkish officials confirmed that #Turkey will not remain silent this time.2/7
Jun 22, 2021 10 tweets 10 min read
In the United Nations upcoming vote on the decision of the of flow humanitarian aid, whether food or medical, through the liberated northern Syrian crossings, if #Moscow places its veto again, the scene will become horrific.1/10
#Syria #USA #EU #المعابر_شريان_الحياة At the outset, it must be clarified that this ban will mean, in one way or another, the cessation of the flow of aid from most of international organizations, whether governmental or non-governmental, which work under the cover of the United Nations in general.2/10
May 16, 2020 15 tweets 20 min read
The Islamic State published a new video a few days ago, entitled "Smite at the necks", through which it documented the organization's attacks within the Iraqi geography in the so-called battle of attrition which began two and a half years ago.1/15
#ISIS #USA #Iraq This video carried many messages to us as researchers in the affairs of jihadist groups, which I will present in the form of points that may clarify the scene further to the reader on what is going on in #Iraq in particular and what may happen later.2/15
#ISIS #USA #Trump #PMU