Eva Tallaksen Profile picture
Reportedly 4,685,409,836th human born on Earth. Journalist, web developer, co-founder Undercurrent News. Also @BetterSkeptics with @alexandrosm
Dec 12, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read
Academic narrative enforcers in the time of COVID? 🧵

Dug into FLCCC/Pierre Kory's 2020 paper on MATH+ and the rationale used by the journal for retracting it.

The complaints sound reasonable at first, but under scrutiny, they fall apart at the seams.

What's going on? 1/ For background, links to retraction notice and paper

Dec 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The high price of pandemic measures at US preschools, and for what? A short🧵

Below is what our local preschool told me about their mandate for masking toddlers, versus what a former teacher described.

Welcome to the world of double speak. Or brainwashing. Whatever this is.👇 When sharing concerns about masking to the preschool, the responses I got focused on kids' resilience & adaptiveness, on safety, community love and even on how the masks are "a perfect opportunity to teach ... about empathy". Image
Jun 25, 2021 43 tweets 11 min read
Is cancel culture real, or a right-wing bogey man?

I decided to dig in and was taken aback by how many stories I came across of 'canceled' people. I expected a few dozen, found well over 200.

In this🧵, I will post some of these stories. But first, some context👇 First, what do I mean by cancel culture? I was not interested in celebrities or politicians whose living is intertwined with their public image.

Instead, I wanted to know how many ordinary people were affected.

My criteria were therefore:

1) non-public figures ...