Elizabeth Warren Profile picture
U.S. Senator, former teacher. Wife, mom (Amelia, Alex, Bailey, @CFPB), grandmother, and Okie. She/her. Official campaign account.
120 subscribers
Feb 19 5 tweets 1 min read
Instead of illegally trying to shut down huge pieces of our government that serve working people, Elon Musk could cut $2 trillion of actual waste by targeting handouts to the rich and powerful.

Here’s how: (🧵) 1. Negotiate better contracts for the Department of Defense. Giant contractors overcharge the DOD on nearly everything—including by more than 7,500% for soap dispensers.

My recommendations on contracting would save nearly $200 billion in the next 12 years.
Nov 8, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
To everyone who is afraid of what happens next, I share your fears. But what we do next is important.

We have to learn from what happened. And then, make a plan. As we confront a second Trump presidency, here’s a path forward: 🧵 1. We have to fight every fight in Congress. We won’t always win, but we can slow or sometimes limit Trump’s destruction. With every fight, we can build political power to put more checks on his administration and build the foundation for future wins.
Aug 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine you’re standing in the frozen food aisle, staring at a pint of ice cream. The price tag isn’t printed on paper, like usual—now it’s a digital display. With a camera pointed right at you. 🧵 It’s now more convenient for the store to change the price—how often do they take advantage of that? Does the price surge on a hot day? By how much?
Jul 16, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
You know who’s cheering for J.D. Vance? Billionaires. Election deniers. And anti-abortion rights extremists. But this pick is bad news for everyone else. Here’s why:🧵 Vance thinks seniors should get by with less—he’s called Social Security & Medicare “the biggest roadblocks to any kind of real fiscal sanity.” He thinks sick people should pay more—opposing the ACA, which Trump promises to repeal. And he wants more tax breaks for billionaires.
Jun 10, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t blame it on the endless shrimp.

Recently, Red Lobster declared bankruptcy, and even though it’s no laughing matter, the jokes practically wrote themselves—how could a company that offers endless shrimp NOT run out of money? But let’s look below the surface: Red Lobster’s real downfall wasn’t endless shrimp—it was private equity’s endless greed.

You see, a private equity firm bought Red Lobster in 2014, & did their thing: looted profits, loaded Red Lobster up with debt, & saddled the restaurant chain with extra real-estate costs.
Jun 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Recently, Donald Trump and President Biden both did in-depth interviews with TIME Magazine.

The difference was stark.

Let’s take a look. 🧵 Trump refused to rule out signing a national abortion ban, and he said he’d let states “monitor” pregnant women and pass dangerous restrictions.
Jun 4, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
When I first ran for Senate, I talked about the student in Worcester who worked hard to get a college education but was drowning in student debt. Now, I’ve helped deliver student debt cancellation for nearly 5 million hardworking people in Massachusetts and all across America. When I first ran for Senate, I spoke with seniors in Barnstable who couldn’t afford their medicine at the end of the month. Now, I’ve helped deliver $35 dollar/month insulin and a $2,000/year cap on prescription drugs under Medicare.
May 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’ve ever experienced the sheer joy of having a flight canceled & sitting on the floor of a terminal while on hold with customer service, listening to upbeat elevator music for hours in order to receive a refund in the form of a measly voucher, I’ve got great news for you: The Biden-Harris administration recently announced new rules that protect airline travelers, including requiring airlines to automatically give full cash refunds. But we faced a roadblock while getting this across the finish line.
Dec 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This year, nearly 300k Americans got hit with sledgehammer news that they have prostate cancer. Then came another sledgehammer: the cost of treatment. A drug called Xtandi could save their lives but costs up to $190,000/year. It’s a familiar story of corporate greed. Taxpayer dollars helped develop Xtandi. Just to show what chumps Big Pharma makes of Americans, Astellas—the company that manufactures Xtandi—charges U.S. customers as much as six times more than patients in other countries.
Nov 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Two years ago today, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It’s been a big win for Massachusetts—with $6 billion announced so far to repair roads and bridges, expand broadband, replace lead pipes, electrify buses, and more. Here are just a few examples: Replacing lead pipes:
Sep 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I never thought I’d run for office. But 12 years ago today, I launched a campaign to represent Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate—because it was a way to keep fighting for a country that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. I started out 17 points down. My opponent had heaps of campaign cash from Wall Street. But we ran a grassroots campaign. This was the crowd at our first organizing meeting later that fall. Person to person, we built a movement, and we won. #TBT A huge crowd of volunteers fills row after row after row of seats at an organizing event in 2011.
Jul 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
When we get organized and get in the fight, we can beat back powerful special interests and make real change. Here’s how we achieved the biggest advance in corporate tax fairness in three decades:
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
My story doesn’t follow a straight path. I grew up on the ragged edge of the middle class. After my daddy’s heart attack, my family came within an inch from losing our house, but my mother got a minimum wage job at Sears that saved our family. I dropped out of college at 19 to get married, but got a second chance at a public college that cost $50 a semester and got to live my dream of becoming a public school teacher.
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My mother’s birthday was Valentine’s Day. We both loved her special connection to the holiday. When I was a girl, I got some heart-shaped pans from the dime store and started baking her a heart-shaped cake every year. I took some time this past weekend to keep up the tradition. Elizabeth Warren smiling and holding a heart-shaped cake she When she was in her 80s, she was in the hospital for some minor surgery. The night before she was scheduled to go home, she said to my daddy, “Don, there's that gas pain again.” Then she died. The autopsy showed she had advanced heart disease—never diagnosed, never treated.
Feb 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
You’ve probably heard about big wins under the Biden-Harris administration like fighting climate change & upgrading infrastructure. Here are a few more ahead of the #StateOfTheUnion—and some that may have flown under your radar. Brought to you by a persistent grassroots movement. Written in Elizabeth Warren’s handwriting: The past two ye A person wearing a graduation cap and gown holds a diploma.
Oct 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
With exactly two weeks left until Election Day, I want to talk about four candidates I’m very happy to support—and why: I’m proud to endorse Peter @WelchForVT. From lowering the cost of prescription drugs to fighting the climate crisis, he’s been a trusted partner to get things done in the House, and I look forward to continuing to fight by his side in the Senate. A photo of Peter Welch next...
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Here’s what you need to know about how to get your student debt canceled under President Biden’s new plan. And here are those links:

1. Sign up for email alerts at ed.gov/subscriptions to get notified when applications are live—expected to launch in early October. Apply by Nov. 15, and your relief will come through before payments start up again on Jan. 1.
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We’ve been working towards this day for a long time, and it’s here: President @JoeBiden is taking historic action to cancel up to $20,000 of debt for millions and millions of Americans. Make no mistake: This is one of the biggest acts of consumer debt relief in American history, and it will directly help hard-working people who borrowed money to go to school because they didn’t come from a family that could write a big check.
Aug 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Right-wing extremists tried to pull a fast one on us in Kansas last night. They thought they could sneak a ballot measure through a low-turnout primary to clear the way for extreme abortion bans. But they forgot something: we’re fighting back like never before. The threat was real. Abortion bans in Kansas would leave a huge reproductive health care desert in the middle of the country.

But Kansans turned out in huge numbers and sent a strong message: no, no, NO, we are not going back.

Thank you for staying in this fight.
Jul 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The stakes couldn’t be higher in this year’s midterms. Today, I’m glad to endorse two more Warren Democrats who will fight to make our government work for everyone. As State Senate President, @BeccaBalintVT passed one of the strongest reproductive rights laws in the nation, raised the minimum wage, & passed Vermont's first gun safety laws. Becca has the experience, record, & grit to fight for families in Washington. I’m proud to endorse her. A photo of Becca Balint nex...
Jun 29, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I want to talk about some very concrete next steps now that Roe v. Wade is gone—where we can go on offense as well as defense in our fight for the right to an abortion. Here’s a quick thread: In Michigan, @mireprofreedom is fighting to get an initiative on the ballot to protect reproductive freedom—including abortion & contraception—in the state constitution. It could be a blueprint for many other states. Chip in to their campaign if you can: ewar.ren/6br Michigan: Expand protection...