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Good and bad ideas (and people) are fairly equally distributed across the political spectrum until you get to the extremes.
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Jan 7 4 tweets 1 min read
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook and Instagram "are going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with Community Notes, similar to X."

Zuckerberg: Our fact-checkers "have been too politically biased... What started as a movement to be more inclusive has increasingly been used to shut down opinions and shut out people with different ideas. And it's gone too far."
Dec 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The argument that January 6 was an attempted coup is as follows:

The assembled crowd (or "mob" if you prefer) that had listened to Trump lie about a "stolen election" and declare that it was Mike Pence's duty to refuse to certify Biden's victory immediately moved on to the Capitol building — in its initial entry violently forcing its way into the building, injuring dozens of police officers —to attempt to stop or disrupt a joint session of Congress from formalizing Biden's victory, which, had they ultimately been successful, would have forced the country into a constitutional crisis in which Trump might have been able to maintain power.

Whether or not this sequence of events was part of a deliberate plan by Trump to stop a legitimate transfer of power (in which case it would have indeed been an attempted coup) or just a case of things getting out of control with an emotional crowd — a sequence of events that Trump had neither planned nor wanted —is a matter of debate.

But to "literally not understand how people could entertain that it was an attempted coup" is an indicator of hyperpartisan cognitive impairment. To refresh the memory of those people who are going to come into these replies with videos of people strolling inside the velvet ropes. Image
Nov 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
No person has ever brought ignominy and disrepute upon a once-respected publication as quickly and decisively as this ridiculous woman. Image No, women aren't as fast as men. No, racism doesn't explain the near-complete absence of blacks in scientific innovation. No, EO Wilson wasn't a white supremacist. No, the lab-leak theory for COVID origins isn't a "rightwing hoax." And on and on.
Oct 7, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read

1/ At a South African university, an argument is made to eliminate science from study (because it's a "product of Western modernity) and to "restart [it] from an African perspective."

What should be studied? The speaker suggests "black magic."
2/ When a "science person" objects, he is scolded by the organizer for "disrespecting the sacredness of this space," and asked to apologize, which he does. But that doesn't stop the scolding. Opinions can only be expressed under rules that appear to guide outcomes.
Sep 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Sex offending rate of women: 3 per one million

Sex offending rate of men: 395 per million

Sex offending rates of transwomen: 1,916 per millionImage Conviction/incarceration claim:

Population claim:

Mar 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
"Intelligence has been the primary evolutionary vector for humans. What is underappreciated is how much happened in the last 10k years. There was an intelligence explosion ~6k years ago with sudden development of writing, agriculture, elementary math, etc."

[Italics mine] @EPoe187 @Russwarne @Steve_Sailer @AporiaMagazine
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read

1/ This is fascinating.

Women of which race/ethnicity are most likely overall to receive a response from a man (across all ethnicities) to a message they send on a dating app?

Answer: Middle Eastern women.

Almost 1/2 of men will respond to a Middle Eastern woman. Image 2/ By contrast, only about 1/3 of all men overall will respond to a black woman— the only female demographic with less than a 40% overall response rate.
Jan 13, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
How do we know that blacks were admitted to Harvard at about 20 times the rate they would have been admitted had admissions been based solely on academic performance?

Because the consultant to the plaintiffs in the Harvard lawsuit (a Duke professor) found that if Harvard had admitted only those students in the top academic performance decile of applicants, the percentage of those admitted who were black would have been 0.9%, not the 15.8% which were actually admitted — in other words, with a 10% admissions rate, and using academic merit as the only admissions criterion, black applicants would have had their chance of admission reduced by about 16 times.

But Harvard's admission rate isn't 10%. It's about 3%. So what would have happened if Harvard had only admitted the top 3% of the applicants solely on academic merit?

I don't have the raw data set, so I can't use it to estimate whether the 16 times preference accorded blacks would have increased or decreased, but I don't need it because we know that EVERY large-sample data set of group cognitive performance in the US has shown the same thing: As one approaches the far right-tails of the group cognitive distribution curves, black representation (compared to whites and especially Asians) almost vanishes. We see this with both standardized college admissions testing and with IQ testing.

This means that an admissions policy looking only at high school GPA and standardized test performance, when combined with a 3% admissions rate, would have produced a percentage of admitted blacks that was even less than 0.9%. Extrapolating from what see in standard group cognitive testing distributions, I estimate that the black percentage of admits would have shrunk from 0.9% to about 0.4-0.6%.

That 20 times advantage for blacks that I referenced earlier is a very conservative estimate. It's likely that blacks applying to Harvard under the previous institutionally-racist admissions policies enjoyed an advantage in excess of that. OK, I can see that some repliers are confused, and perhaps I contributed to this confusion.

I use the term "admission rate" above, not "enrollment rate." In other words, I'm referring to those students who were offered admission to Harvard, not those who actually enrolled.

It occurs to me that a less confusing term might have been "acceptance rate."
Dec 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Stats for black students in San Francisco public schools (2021-22):

Math proficient: 9%. (It's 64% for whites.)
Chronically absent: 63%. (It's 8% for Asians.)
Ready for high school in 8th grade: 15%.
Enrolled in college after graduation: 45%.

Notice the disconnect? If you think that the disconnect between the lousy academic performance of black students and their college enrollment percentage might be due to low performers dropping out of high school, you would be wrong: The high school graduation rate for blacks is an impressive 86%.
Nov 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Among white Americans, beyond a certain threshold, the more liberal you are, the higher your IQ. Image If IQ testing is conducted among all Americans (not just whites), the differences in IQ between political orientations diminishes because blacks and Hispanics (who tend to be more liberal than conservative) drag down the overall liberal averages.
Oct 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

1/ At a South African university, an argument is made to eliminate science from study because it's a "product of Western modernity."

"We have to restart science from an African perspective."

As an example, the speaker suggests "Black magic."

2/ When a "science person" objects, he is scolded by the organizer for "disrespecting the sacredness of this space," and asked to apologize, which he does. But that doesn't stop the scolding. Opinions can only be expressed under rules that appear to guide outcomes.
Aug 10, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

I've gained lots of new followers since news of Elon Musk following me got out and leftwing Twitter began its mob against me.

About my account: I tweet accurate statistical and scientific data about group differences that make people nervous and angry.

Examples below. twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Black people in America commit wildly disproportionate amounts of violent crime, and the government statistics on this crime rarely if ever get reported in the media.

Here's a 32-tweet thread on the subject.

Aug 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A demographic comprised of about 2% of the US population committed about 50% of the murders in 2021.

Which demographic is this? Please remember to give the age range.
Aug 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

1/ Richard Hanania has not yet responded to this long, detailed and explosive piece alleging he's used a pseudonym to pen hundreds of incendiary — "racist" and "sexist," according to HuffPost — online comments over the years.

huffpost.com/entry/richard-… 2/ HuffPost alleges that Hanania used the name "Richard Hoste" to express "support for eugenics and the forced sterilization of 'low IQ' people," opposition to "race-mixing” (Hoste called it "shameful"), and to argue that "Black people cannot govern themselves."
Jul 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

This mentally disordered basement-dwelling slug is responsible for smearing dozens of honest scholars and damaging the careers of people like Noah Carl and Bo Winegard. He attacks almost anyone who touches the subject of race and IQ.

Meet Oliver D. Smith. Smith started out as a neo-Nazi, but after being tossed out of every racist online user group, he careened to the other end of the horseshoe so that he could take his revenge.

In other words, he went from being a creep to being another kind of creep.

Jun 29, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read

1/ The most perfect (and almost unbelievable) metaphor for affirmative action: The lives of Allan Bakke (a white guy who challenged racial quotas at UC Davis) and Patrick Chavis (a black guy admitted to UC Davis under affirmative action the year Bakke was rejected). 2/ After Bakke won his SCOTUS case in 1978 (which ended the use of *overt* racial quotas in university admissions), he finally was accepted at UC Davis medical school. He graduated and eventually began practicing medicine. He kept a low profile, and didn't give interviews.
Jun 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

1/ Over the more than 50 years affirmative action's morally squalid and racist practices were in place, how many white and Asian applicants were denied admission in favor of less qualified black and Hispanic applicants? I was likely one of them, and maybe you were, too. 2/ Years ago, I applied to a top law school, and was rejected.

My GPA: 0.3 points higher than average GPA of blacks admitted

My LSAT: Higher than the average at this school

Average LSAT of blacks admitted: MUCH lower than my score and the white average
Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read

Five dangerous anti-scientific notions:

(1) Sex in humans is not a discrete and binary distribution of males and females but a spectrum

(2) All behavioral and psychological differences between human males and females are due to socialization

skepticalinquirer.org/2023/06/the-id… (3) We should avoid studying genetic differences in behavior between individuals

(4) Race and ethnicity are social constructs, without scientific or biological meaning

(5) Indigenous “ways of knowing” are equivalent to modern science and should be respected and taught as such
Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Conservative follows me but then can't believe that someone who isn't a conservative might have a view that's different from one of theirs. Surely, it must be because I'm "trying" to conform to some artificial notion of what I am, rather than just expressing what I truly believe. This kind of comment — which I get a lot — baffles me. Why do people assume that someone who sometimes has views which seem conservative, and other times liberal or "moderate", is only being sincere when expressing views conforming to their own. It's a weird kind of narcissism.
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

1/ The mean IQs of various racial/ethnic groups in the US from the ABCD study (2016-2018):

Northeast Asians, 110-112
Asian Indians, 103
Filipinos, 102
Whites, 100
Middle Eastern, 96
Black African, 90
Native American, 90
US Black, 83

I'll discuss some details below. Image 2/ The study tested ten-year olds. You can see that some of the sample sizes were small. You can put less faith in the averages drawn from these samples. But the sample sizes for whites and US blacks were large, and those results can be trusted.
May 27, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
At a 100 meters quarterfinal at the NCAA East Regionals yesterday, Cole Beck became the fastest white man in history.

Take a look at the clip and I'll talk about the significance of this, and also about something anomalous that's going on in track and field. If you've followed me for awhile you probably already know that I'm interested in a subject that people aren't supposed to be interested in: Performance differences between population groups.

These show up most conspicuously in IQ, sprinting, and long-distance running.