Writer. Pubs: @juked @hobartpulp @JellyfishReview @SmokeLong & @ChattahoocheeRv. THE CLARITY OF HUNGER out 2021 with @wordwestpress. fabulistpappas@gmail.com
Sep 25, 2018 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
I'm feeling overly generous toward women today. Jane Fortune, the founder of the incredible organization @AWA_Foundation has just passed away. If you don’t know about her, I’m here to tell about this spectacular woman and what she has done for women in the arts.
People called her Indiana Jane, not just because she was born in Indiana but because she hunted down works of art by women in the storehouses of museums in Florence, Italy, raised money to have them conserved, and put the works on exhibition. This has been her life’s work.