Fariha A. Profile picture
Trying to figure out Left, Right, and Center
May 14, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In an extension of my last thread on women’s testimony, let’s analyze this (disturbingly popular) hadith claiming that women’s intellect & piety are less than men, and so there will be more women in hell. What’s the truth behind this report?

#WomenInIslam #ReclaimingIslam I’ve discussed hadith literature on women before. Briefly, authenticity of any hadith is assessed on its (a) chain of narrators (b) content: any content that contradicts Quran or basic logic must be rejected even if chain of narrators is sound.

May 6, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Muslims often use Quran verse 2:282 to claim that a woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man. It is used to argue that women are less intelligent and “too emotional”.

So does Islam really presents this sexist, unjust belief?

Let’s discuss.
#WomenInIslam #ReclaimingIslam "O you who believe! Wh... 1) Firstly, the issue of testimony comes up at 8 places in Quran - 2:282, 4:6, 4:15, 5:106, 5:107, 24:4, 24:6-9, 65:2

In 6 of these places, the testimony of men & women is not differentiated in any way. At one point, the testimony of a woman has more weight than that of a man.
May 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We talk about the financial abuse of non-independent women. But don't realize how common the abuse & exploitation is of financially independent women by their husbands.

Recently, someone asked about joint accounts with husbands in a group & horror stories started coming out! Women invest in shared assets, joint accounts, only to lose all agency on that money. It becomes "family" money that is showered on husband & his family - but not on the wife. Any asset bought is in the husband's name. Any claim by woman is treated as ingratitude and selfishness.
Aug 14, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Many people are scared of GRE & wouldn’t apply to any program that requires it. This limits opportunities. I used to feel the same way, so I’ll share my GRE study plan here, hoping it helps.

First, clarify two things:
- It’s easier than you think
- You don’t need a perfect score If you are as clueless about GRE as I was, start with some introductory videos.

Briefly, GRE is a graduate admission exam that has a verbal & a quantitative section. Its total score is 340 (170 for each section). It has an analytical writing section too but that’s less important
Aug 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Guys leave politics for some time. Go watch Indian Matchmaking season 2. It's so fun. I think they've tried adding some more drama this time around. I don't think Aparna wants to get married. I think it's something she feels she has to do because everyone else has done it. She sounds so clear when she's talking about her life but so confused & hesistant whenever she's talking about a suitor.

Sis get on a call with me 💪💪
Aug 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
If you want to get a master's degree from Uni of Oxford next year, now is when you start planning. The first step is to find relevant courses, look up the eligibility criteria (IELTS/ GRE), & explore funding opportunities.

Here are 4 full scholarships specifically for Oxford: The Weidenfeld-Hoffman Scholarship awards about 34 full scholarships every year in over 30 different fields to students from all over the world.

Mar 7, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
#AuratMarch2022 Some thoughts.

(This will be my simultaneous defense and critique of #AuratMarch. Hoping for a patient read)

1) "AM only talks about petty problems and not the big problems faced by women."

'Big problems' almost always stem from ignoring the 'petty problems'. Rape culture stems from trivializing harassment; harassment stems from male entitlement; male entitlement is fed when men are not even expected to heat their food or keep their socks.

To overturn an oppressive system, you have to aim at its roots. 'Petty problems' are the roots.
Feb 16, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Over a year ago, a friend lost a loved one whom she was going to marry. I accompanied her on a trip to his family home last Oct, and it was then that I understood - for the first time - what grief does to you.

Grief becomes the centre around which you have to rebuild your life. When you lose a loved one, you don't just lose them but also a version of yourself that existed because of them - that may never exist again. Once grief hits you, there's no going back to "normal". Your grief becomes the new normal; it changes everything - most of all you.
Aug 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
We heard that Islam asks women to cover up & men to lower the gaze. I always wondered why no one, not even those who love heaping restrictions on women, argue that it orders women to lower their gaze too.

Answer: Asking women to lower the gaze is an admission of their sexuality. Patriarchy thrives on the claim that men's sexual urges are more powerful than women's. This misbelief is used to excuse men’s transgressions: “Men aren’t robots” we’re told. Even in the West, sex is seen as something that men get & women give. Women’s sexuality is oft dismissed.
Mar 15, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Why don't women speak up at the time of harassment?

1) Harassers often disguise their moves as common everyday gestures: It could be a hug that feels too tight, a handshake that feels too long. Here, the only proof a victim has is the FEELING she got at that particular moment. Such harassment moves could be completely invisible to the onlookers. That’s why it is hard to provide a witness in harassment cases even if it happened in public in broad daylight.