card counting as a skill on resume guy Profile picture
tall but otherwise normal
Jun 4, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
im making the midjourney things now. heres steve jobs holding a crossbow on stage at macworld expo steve jobs unveiling an egg
Jun 15, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
i wrote down the first edition of my burger rules. these are the rules for enjoyable burgers whether you are making them or simply eating them. follow these rules to have an enjoyable ham burger. or not who cares! burger rule 1) a burger must not be taller than it is wide. look at this shit! this is a joke! who can eat this?!
Apr 20, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
Okay Twitter, I'm seeing a lot of discussion on this piece of media and nearly all of it ignores a crucial fact that, once understood, changes the nature of the work.

We need talk about Dragula. Thread. (1/21) In the Summer of 1998, White Zombie frontman Rob Zombie released his first solo album, "Hellbilly Deluxe: 13 Tales of Cadaverous Cavorting Inside the Spookshow International," known to most as Hellbilly Deluxe. It was a hit. (2/21)
Dec 2, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
years ago most people used winamp to listen to mp3s on their computer. but there was another program, sonique, that supported skins with transparency and altering object placements. so the internet made hundreds if not thousands of unusable and incomprehensible skins for it a lot of the skinning websites from back then are gone but there are still a handful of good screenshots on google image search. i love this type of shit and i miss it
Sep 18, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
and his fans love all that shit. this is why traditional democrats lose. they're trying to play while constantly consulting the rulebook, while gop is playing prison rules every day because they know the past can always be respun and someone will always believe the new version democrats can't campaign on simply being anti-trump, or just say "treason" over and over because that isnt ever going to lure any trump people away. they have to go whole hog on m4a, abolition of ice, and other tangible quality of life improvements