francesca coin Profile picture
Feminist sociologist at @SociologyLancs Collaboratrice @internazionale @essenziale_it Crisis, class, care (She/Her)
Mar 15, 2020 33 tweets 6 min read
This is the English translation of a letter from Sergio Romagnani Emeritus Professor of Clinical Immunology and Internal Medicine to the Italian Newspaper Corriere Fiorentino 1/x… In this letter, Romagnani explains why massive testing of both symtomatic and asymptomatic cases is vital in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19. In fact, according to a study conducted in Vò (Italy) 1. the vast majority of people who become infected, between 50 and 75%
Jan 23, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
If you ought to read just one article on the perils of a #cashless society, read this one: "CASH IN THE ERA OF THE DIGITAL PAYMENTS PANOPTICON" by @Suitpossum… 1/4 "Cash is the money form of the underdog, of the excluded. If you are a new member of respectable elite society, and you are forced to use it, you feel like you are missing out on a more advanced form". 2/4