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Şahsi görüşlerimi içerir. RT içerik ve fikrin paylaşıldığı anlamına gelmez. Şiddet yanlıları, vatan hainleri, fırsatçılar,idrak ve izan yoksunları engellenir.
Apr 2, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
@nevzatbozbeyi Geçen Kasım, Istanbul. Bakın, benim Mersin'de büyüdüğüm mahallenin demografisi 2014'de değişti. Kilis nüfusundan daha fazla sığıacıyı sayısıyla 2013 sonunda başbaşa kaldı. Ankara'da Oran ışıklarda Suriyeli çocuklar 2012'de yol kenarında uyumaya başladılar. + @nevzatbozbeyi Göç Genel Müdürlüğünün kuruluşu dahil pek çok sürece tanık oldum. Suriye ve Iraklı sığınmacıların kayıt altına alınmasının terörle mücadele dahil ulusal güvenlik sorunu bağlamında önemini savunageldim. Batı'nın mülteciler hukuku ve kendi savunduğu değerlere ihanetine tanığım.++
Mar 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Before 1918, 1 of the perpetrators of massacres of Azerbaijan Turks in 1905 in Georgia was K.Pastermajdian (Arman Garo). He was also among the assailants of 1895 attack on Ottoman Bank in Istanbul. In 1908 he went back to Istanbul and became a deputy in Ottoman parliament. In 1914 he was among organizers of insurgency with the help of Russians.He took part in Van massacres, murdering more than 60% of Van's Muslim population.He thought he could use Russian Empire while he could harness support from British & French. All used him as a murder weapon. Image
Apr 26, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
"Radio Free Europe", "voice of America" have been tools of info war, psyops during the Cold War. The voice of the West, thus the image of reporting/editing standards established with universal journalistic ethics, the search for the truth & unspoken. Strong doubts here. Then, another capital learned the use of news & media in the way it was targeted, also benefiting boom of social media. And now it is almost funny If it weren't tragic how the originals and copy cats of mass manipulating media are on the same page of 1915.
Apr 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a perfect example of use of selective historical referencing by journalism with bias. Each parag. can well be counter debated.Look at the Van section, where it partially refers to Nogales memoir and intentionally omit mass murder of Muslims.
rferl.org/a/armenia-geno… This has no reference to MacCarthy's findings on Van 1915; no reference to Dashnaksütyun, no reference to terrorist attacks in Istanbul of 1896-Ottoman Bank-or of Dr. Pastermadjian who were among those Dashnak terrorists, yet became a member of Ottoman Parliament in 1908. +
Apr 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1979, TRT Turkish public broadcaster held the first 23 April International Children's Day festival. We were just kids glued to the 1& only, B&W TV channel for hours, envious of the Ankara families hosting guest children, never aware that this was part of the Cold War diplomacy. But, in conflict prevention/ resolution diplomacy, bringing children together is not enough. 1979, participation of Bulgarian kids in TRT fest did not/ could not have prevent (ed) oppression campaign against & forced deportation of Bulgarian Turks in 1980's.
Apr 10, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
@NicholasAHeras @SquizzRadical The way I'd read it, it says EU should probe into how 🇬🇷 has reengaged itself with violent extremist & terrorist groups i.e PKK, DHKP/C although it had pledged to stop it after 🇬🇷 state was caught red handed when PKK terrorist leader Ocalan was caught in Kenya with a 🇬🇷 passport. @NicholasAHeras @SquizzRadical The 🇬🇷 deep state infection with racial hatred against 🇹🇷 leads to this policy to harbor & support anyone who they think can be used against TR. A brief inquiry of DHKP/C will tell how it works. The comfort Gulenist 🚁thief coup pilots found in 🇬🇷 reveals surely a "good"neighbor.
Mar 29, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
"Kurdish Forces" is PKK/YPG . PKK, like other terror groups knows how to run camps for recruitment & training. It now fights its own kind, as a hired gun of the West, which avoids the dirty work.2 infamous PKK camps as such have been Lavrion (Greece) & Mahmour (N.Iraq) 1/ This is the story of a 19 yrs old girl who was directed by PKK recruiters to illegal crossing to Greece, got placed in Lavrion, got training in the camp and was allowed to fly to Iraq w/ a fake passport, frm Greece. This happens in 2019. In the EU. aa.com.tr/tr/turkiye/yun… 2/
Mar 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
So many things to write about this case: Ciçek Kobane is code name of the girl. Her real name is Dozgin Temo. Start with asking why this girl is given an alias as all PKK/YPG recruits. In all terrorist groups, this is the 1st step to a new identity & strip off other loyalties 1/ She was shooting to kill, aware of the fact that there could be Turkish armed forces among her targets. She was captured wounded, given medical care &brought before a court. Her mother is luckier than mother of Çiçek Botan code Besma Heyder, another PKK/YPG recruit.👇 2/