Divine Feathers Profile picture
Spiritual teacher and remote energy healer who just wants to be of service to humanity.
PRINCESS WARRIOR Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What would you do, to make your life more beautiful? The Universe reflects your very energy back to you. That means if you energy is beautiful, the Universe will reflect beautiful things, and experiences back to you. It takes much spiritual work to make one's energy beautiful. It means healing past trauma, letting go of grudges, learning to forgive and to offer unconditional love. It means letting go of deeply held beliefs and to be open to new understanding and knowledge.
Jan 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I already stated that wokeness and political correctness is simply egoic self pandering to egoic self. Why? Because you are here to wake up to who you truly are. Your physical vessel is not who you truly are. You are a spirit who temporarily embodied in a physical vessel. It really doesn't matter what skin color you were born with, what gender you have, where you were born, etc. You are a Divine Being and that's the ultimate truth!
Jan 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The purpose of life is expansion of consciousness. The Universe itself is tweaked for growth, and that's why it is expanding. If consciousness has the potential for infinite growth, then is it possible for just one book to satisfy the need for infinite thirst for growth & wisdom? The answer is NO, because a single book is in, & of itself, limited. It can't possibly contain all the wisdom. That's why there's a need for progressive revelation. That's why from time to time, advanced beings come back into the physical to provide us with more spiritual wisdom.
Sep 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The best way to open your heart chakra is to simply send love to others. Years ago, I used to participate in a group meditation that averaged about 20 to 30 people. At the beginning of the session, I set intention to send love to everyone in the group. The meditation session lasted for about 60 minutes, sometimes longer. When I sent love to people my heart chakra was pulsating constantly. At the end of the session I was showered with energy.
Sep 23, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Light of God/Source constantly supports you, and provides you with energy to create (or miscreate). It can be compared to the light bulb in the projector. You provide the film strip. God's light shines through the film strip & is displayed on the screen that becomes your reality. The film strip consists from your energy bodies such as mental, & emotional body. Those bodies are colored by your thoughts, beliefs, & emotions. If they R filled with false dualistic beliefs, fears, anger, etc., the movie on the screen, which is your reality, will reflect that.
Sep 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Only sheep follow the heard, so don't be one. Don't listen to your friends, nor the propaganda on TV and elsewhere. Listen to your own heart. Through intuition, your heart has access to Divine Wisdom. Who would you rather trust, your friends, or God? If a complete stranger approached you and handed you a strange liquid, would you drink it? Most likely no. Yet, millions of people are willing to inject themselves with substance that doesn't come with a list of ingredients.
Sep 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We create our own reality so blaming others for what's happening in our lives is victimhood mentality. It's simply saying: "I don't create my reality. Other people create reality for me." Many jabbed blame the un-jabbed for their mental, emotional, and physical state. We are here to master our thoughts and emotions. We are not responsible for other people's mental and emotional states.
Jul 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Time doesn't exist but is rather an aftereffect of our consciousness shifting its focus from one quantum instant to another. All quantum instances of reality exist in the same eternal now moment. Your are consciousness, and consciousness is unlimited. That means that you exist on all of its levels, all at the same time. That also means that there are aspect of you that have already ascended. There are angelic aspect of you. Many of your guides are higher aspects of you.
Jun 28, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
What is heaven? It is a state of consciousness, that is characterized by understanding of oneness of all and thus unconditional love that derives from that understanding. We create our own reality and that reality is a reflection of our state of consciousness. Heaven as a reality is thus created (or co-created) by souls that resonate with Christ consciousness which is, at its core, unconditional love.
May 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Reality is like an advanced flipbook where all the pages in all their variations already exist in one eternal moment. Out of those pages multiple stories can be created, and those stories are represented by timelines. All timelines exist in the same eternal moment. We choose what we want to experience with our state of consciousness represented by what we believe, what we focus on, what we intend etc. We constantly jump between timelines.
Apr 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
It is not our job, nor responsibility to change other people. Any attempts to change others may come with a price to pay in the form of negative karma as those attempts are a violation of one's free will. Instead of trying to change others, let's offer them an example of a different way of being. Let's show them alternatives and if they are intrigued, become interested, and start asking questions, assist with that. The drive to change must come from within their own being.
Apr 17, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Imagine being a spiritual master. Your baseline energy is love, peace, and acceptance. You have mastered your thoughts and emotions. You are a living and walking philosopher's stone that transmutes any lower energies coming at you with love. You understand that anything that happens in your life is a reflection of your own consciousness, and as a result you take responsibility for anything that happens in your life. You blame no one.
Apr 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The Universe doesn't judge. It only replicates your vibrational quality back to you. Anything that you carry in your energy bubble is mirrored back to you. Most people don't make the connection between their inner world and their outer world. They tend to judge and blame others for their problems, difficulties, etc. not realizing that what happens to them is a reflection of their own focus on the very problems and difficulties. Those are their creations!
Mar 31, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Manifestation is simple, yet it can be complicated. The Universe reflects our overall state of consciousness, so to manifest what we prefer, all aspects of ourselves must be aligned with that manifestation. What the Universe reflects is not only our conscious mind, but also our subconscious mind, our soul plan & our karma. Many people sabotage their manifestation because of their deep subconscious beliefs that may be in opposition to what they want to manifest.
Mar 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Egos dwell & feed on fear, as it is fear that makes them stronger. Egos can't live in the present moment. They love to live in the past, replaying negative stories. They also live in the future, entertaining possible negative scenarios & worrying about things that aren't there. Egos believe in limitation & scarcity. This is why they must compete with one another. Egos love to have everything under control. They hate uncertainty. This is why they need to categorize, compare, label, & judge.
Feb 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Can God/Source experience him/herself without creation? Imagine being pure awareness. You have no body, and there is nothing else to interact with. There's only infinite, timeless you. The only thing you can experience is simply being. Everything that you know about yourself is an effect of you having a body (an interface into this reality) that allows you to interact with surrounding environment.
Dec 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
There is no time. It doesn't exist as an independent thing. It is created by consciousness in order to experience its creation in chronological way. All possibilities already exist and are experienced in parallel worlds/timelines. Imagine you have a movie on a roll of film. You don't roll it out and watch all movie frames all at once, even though they do exist all at once. You put it into projector and you watch frame by frame. Since the frames change faster than you can notice, you see seamless action,
Dec 19, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
What the nature of our reality? Here is my understanding: Time doesn't exists. Time is an aftereffect of our consciousness shifting its focus from one frame of reality to another. Each frame of reality exists as information encoded in an interference pattern (IP). That interference pattern exists in what science refers to as "Quantum Field." All possibilities already exist in that IP and that includes possible past, possible present, and possible future. All exist at once in the same now moment.
Dec 19, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
There's only one being out there. That being is called by many names: God/Source/Great Spirit/All That Is/Consciousness, etc. That God is infinite and unlimited. It exists beyond space and time. It is pure presence and awareness. Imagine being pure point of awareness within an endless void. What can you experience? The only experience you can have is pure beingness. There is nothing else outside of you, no point of reference, so there is nothing else you can experience.
Dec 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
God is infinite, therefore God is all that is. Nothing can exist apart or outside of God, because then, God would not be God. God is in all creation, in you, and in other people. That means that if you believe in angry and judgmental God, you will attract and manifest people with those qualities in your life, because they are part of God.
Nov 30, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Is it possible to slow down aging? The answer is YES! I have mentioned before that our thoughts and emotions affect our etheric body which serves as a blueprint for the physical body. We constantly receive light/energy from our I Am presence/God and that energy is neutral. Through our states of consciousness we can qualify that energy (increase its vibration) if we are in state of peace, joy, and love. We misqualify that energy (lower its vibration) whenever we engage in negative thinking, worry, sadness, anger, etc.