Coddled affluent professional Profile picture
Superfluous elite, center-right Foucault curious, anti Med Twitter, expansive liberatory agenda, overbroad definition of fascist
CBStrike27 Profile picture John Coctostan Profile picture Kim Profile picture Yomi Shishio Profile picture xtnjohnson Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jul 29 27 tweets 6 min read
Weirdness 🧵 Image
Jul 13 15 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Image Image
May 23 6 tweets 2 min read
Bombshell UCLA med DEI story from @aaronsibarium.

‘Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a "failed medical school," said one former member of the admissions staff. "We want racial diversity so badly, we're willing to cut corners to get it."’… 2/
‘More than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.’ Image
May 12 4 tweets 1 min read
A reasonable inference from the years of ‘cancelings’ is that, given the scale of what happened, entire industries - journalism, publishing, academia, etc. - are cancerous, irredeemable, and full of malevolent and sociopathic people.
… …
Yeah, technology and collapsing business models were factors but none of this was possible without execrable behavior on the part of many execrable people.

People will try to disembody causation (Twitter, ‘toxic dynamics,’ ‘human nature,’ blah blah blah) but…
May 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Key components of managed democracy:

Fake, astroturfed pseudo consensus manufactured by media/ NGOs/ academia that pathologizes dissent.

Constant state of emergency/ exception: Moral panics stoked by legacy media and ideological spectacles (protests) staged by NGOs.
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Illiberalism justified by continuous ideological and social ‘progress’ generated by academia, media, NGOs, gov’t.

An algorithmically generated political simulacrum that supersedes true politics and inhibits the expression of meaningful political interests.
May 1 7 tweets 2 min read
There’s nothing more important to libs than therapy culture.

It’s a lens to see the world, a framework for describing the teleology of one’s life, a substitute for the comfort provided by religion, and a legitimizing rationale for personal and institutional decision making.

So much ideological argumentation is now dependent on therapeutic jargon - ‘safety,’ ‘harm,’ ‘trauma,’ ‘self care,’ ‘toxic stress,’ etc. - that I don’t think that libs could express their ideas or justify their behavior without it.
Apr 28 33 tweets 8 min read
Is your hobby racist? Is chess RACIST? Image
Apr 26 9 tweets 2 min read
Because the criminal and drug addict George Floyd suffocated in a police altercation we had to do years of ideological calisthenics to exorcise our ‘whiteness’ and All Good People agreed that the riots that burned down city blocks and that cities are still recovering from… …were ‘mostly peaceful’ despite $ billions in damages and dozens of deaths.

Meanwhile, the tent cities set up by campus midwits to signal third-world-solidarity and protest US assistance of what is a major military intervention that were actually mostly peaceful were… Image
Apr 21 27 tweets 6 min read
The idea that they want you to eat bugs is a racist conspiracy theory.

Also, you will eat bugs and like it.

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Apr 20 30 tweets 7 min read
Racist food🧵 Candy Image
Apr 17 7 tweets 2 min read
The NPR CEO tweets are great fun and support my thesis that parody, satire, and fiction can no longer compete with reality (she’s a better Titania McGrath than Titania McGrath), but the fact that this intellectually vacant and ideologically excited midwit… …was chosen to lead one of the few remaining viable legacy news orgs is also an important marker for NGO teleology and where things are headed.

There’s no reason that NPR has to care about its mission, reach, or whether its listener base is shrinking.

NPR can regress into…
Apr 4 14 tweets 11 min read
For those of us who managed to remain sober during this period of widespread ideological intoxication it felt unreal and hallucinatory at the time. If you managed not to be carried away by it, the complete untethering from reality of Western elites was fascinating to watch.

Mar 11 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a friend in finance. During the pandemic they had a bunch of top epidemiologists and scientists on retainer who they could call up and ask what they really thought.

I think this is the future: even for matters of major public importance information is going to… …become increasingly opaque and private and the delta between the quality of what’s publicly versus privately available is going to increase as public information becomes almost complete garbage.

Legacy media is mostly going to be a venue for ‘sponsored content’…
Feb 7 7 tweets 2 min read
Progressives create entire academic fields that are fake.

For example, basically all social psychology is fake. The concepts are deranged and the studies never replicate.

Yet, progressives will absolutely believe all sorts of social science 'just so' stories that flatter... ...their prejudices even if the ideas have been thoroughly debunked.

Progressive epistemic rot is deep and will not be able to be addressed absent a large, concerted project that would be extremely difficult politically and result in many professionals with fake expertise...
Feb 3 9 tweets 2 min read
Taibbi’s take is that Trump is a reaction to our politics becoming meaningless and subverted.

Both parties became neolib in the 90s with Dems giving up pretense of a labor party and supporting NAFTA.

There was agreement on interventionist foreign policy and the Iraq… …debacle.

2007-2008 financial crisis Wall St got exactly what it wanted, first from Bush and then from Obama who put Geithner in charge of everything and did everything the banks wanted.

There was also an effective bipartisan consensus on allowing illegal immigration as…
Feb 1 11 tweets 2 min read
I only have contempt for libs crying hysterically about Steve Sailer.

We were doing well societally striving for equal opportunity and treating each other as unique individuals rather than race avatars.
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For a number of reasons libs decided that wasn’t enough:

They were bored, they needed to channel religious impulses, Trump deranged them and they framed him purely in terms of racial grievance and ignored the traction of his critiques of neoliberalism and interventionism.
Jan 8 6 tweets 2 min read
Nothing will top COVID.

First, they funded dangerous research that led to the virus.

Then when the virus escaped from the VIRUS LAB they lied about where it came from and threatened and maligned everyone who was curious about the lab.

Then they locked your kids out of school… …and disrupted everyday life for a couple years and the only social activities you were allowed to participate in were state-sanctioned ‘mostly peaceful’ protests for a drug addict who suffocated in a police altercation.

Then to re-enter public life and to keep your job…
Dec 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The DEI of the Reckoning was cynical, toxic, and regressive but it was mainly a jobs program for midwits.

Expanding DEI to Jews will be a totally different animal.

Jews don’t need jobs and many midwit Jews already staff DEI offices.

Instead, the main effect of expanding DEI… …to anti-Semitism will be to limit how Middle East politics in general and Israel in particular can be discussed in academia.

Whether you think this is a good or bad thing probably has less to do with what you think of Israel and more to do with whether you think things in…
Oct 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
For the latecomers, I first realized how hateful and malevolent the anti racists were in November 2020 when CDCs ACIP vaccination committee released a draft of their COVID vaccine guideline recs.…
By the CDCs own modeling, vaccinating the elderly first SAVED LIVES while prioritizing essential workers or high risk adults would KILL MORE people.
Jun 27, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
The whole COVID thing was crazy:

Fauci lied about the NIH funding GOF research in Wuhan despite Obama’s prohibitions.

Fauci and the virologists all lied about how likely zoonosis was.

The media was either complicit or credulous 🤷‍♂️ in claiming the lab leak was disproven.
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Facebook and tech banned and censored people for suspecting a lab leak.

MPHs screamed hysterically that COVID was coming for your children even though risk was very, very low and everyone knew it.

There was no good evidence for masks and the CDC published garbage research…
Jun 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
It’s a basic adult understanding that acting on certain liberatory impulses can drastically limit possibility in your life.

I remember reading a memoir of a mole person who felt exhilarating freedom when he finally peeled away from working class life to abuse drugs full time.
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A precocious 27-year-old Joan Didion articulated this awareness in the 1961 essay, ‘On Self Respect.’