Coddled affluent professional Profile picture
Superfluous elite, center-right Foucault curious, anti Med Twitter, expansive liberatory agenda, I produce cherished works of journalism and culture
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Jan 25 4 tweets 1 min read
There’s a small faction of ‘respectable centrist’ scolds who mourn the role they lost as the primary fake opposition that the blob lib uniparty would relentlessly crush.

Part of getting rid of the libs involves getting rid of these people too because they’re… …terrible at politics, they only know how to lose, and they’ve actually accelerated all the degradations they pretend to resist by taking up space and resources that should have been handed to someone competent.

They’re desperate for relevance and similar to libs,…
Jan 13 5 tweets 1 min read
I think there’s a fundamental confusion with this discourse.

I think Wanye’s advice is good and we are wealthier as a society than we ever have been and our standard of living is amazing and it’s never been easier to be comfortable materially.

But our cultural and… …intellectual life is garbage and social life is becoming increasingly rancid and alienating and it’s harder than ever to form a fulfilling adult life.

So, if you’re reasonably smart and have a decent work ethic you’ll probably end up being comfortable materially but…
Jan 11 11 tweets 3 min read
Fantastic piece in Tablet.

Samuels makes some very interesting assertions.

First, he argues that David Axelrod, who excelled at getting affluent white urbanites to vote for black mayors, brought an advertising mentality to politics. Axelrod’s father was a psychologist… Image …and his mother was an ad exec. Axelrod’s innovation was to create ‘permission structures’ - or socialization frameworks - that would lead people to vote against their own interests because they wanted to see themselves as the sort of socially desirable person who would vote…
Jan 4 5 tweets 1 min read
When progressive technocrats realize they have a problem the strategy is always to displace blame on the public.

Take COVID: a bio weapon GOF-engineered super virus that escaped from an NIH-funded lab in China.

This was a big problem for the NIH and international scientific… …establishment along with the aligned institutions who derived authority in a similar matter.

The ‘solution’ was to immediately start blaming the public for the spread of the virus:

‘Stay six feet apart.’

‘Wear a mask.’

‘Wear two masks.’

‘Stay at home.’
Jan 1 11 tweets 2 min read
The big lib project, from Obama on, was to construct a new dispensation that would succeed the cohering but fraying social, military, and cultural experiences of WWII and the Cold War.

Gov’t (the admin state in particular) would partner with NGOs, media, and academia to create… …a new liberal economic order legitimized by the continuous generation of *Progress* (i.e. institutionally approved identity narcissism and new liberatory adventures) while civil liberties (free speech, privacy, 2A, etc.) were continuously undermined.

The uniparty blob…
Dec 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
‘Why do you even care?’’

The answer is that we’re going on a decade now of enforced cultural and academic mediocrity where almost all institutional knowledge production has converged on a narrow set of tedious, preapproved intellectual tropes.

‘Calling people smelly is ideological and represents a means of social control.’

Yeah, ok brilliant insight.

PhD Smelly herself is incidental - the reason she’s getting attention is that she serves as an avatar for the institutions and social class who churn out the…
Oct 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Just a reminder that ‘the institutions’ supported the sort of dangerous, prohibited GOF that resulted in COVID, killing 10s of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars.

The institutions then locked us in our homes and forced low risk people (including children!) to… …take an experimental therapeutic as the price of re-entering society.

They also closed schools for years irreparably harming the most vulnerable students who will never make up the lost time.

The institutions think confused tween girls should be injected with Lupron,…
Oct 7, 2024 72 tweets 17 min read
Is it me or have the past few years been really weird? Image Image
Oct 4, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Hard not to view events through the lens that empire has turned inward with the federal government playing the role of increasingly paranoid colonial administrators alienated from and hostile to the local population.

Helene cuts a swath through a regressive imperial backwater,… …and the main concern seems to be that this is an inconvenience that has to somehow be worked into the stage sets of the presidential campaign.

Don’t these people understand there are more important extra territorial matters (Ukraine, the Middle East) that are of…
Sep 28, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I think an important reason libs are so hostile to Christianity is that so much of social justice theology is borrowed from Christianity.

Christianity has to be actively moved out of the way so that there is an empty space for social justice theology. Over the past few years people have said things to me like, ‘You don’t believe transgender people exist,’ or, ‘You don’t believe in anti-racism,’ and I didn’t understand what they really meant.

On a deeper level they weren’t making an empirical claim or arguing for conceptual…
Sep 17, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Grade inflation is a problem because certain people need to be taught early on that they’re simply not very good at specific things and that no matter how hard or long they work at something they never will be good at it.

A lot of problems in society are downstream of… …entitled and mediocre people who, because of a variety of manipulative social tactics and institutional corruptions, have never had their inflated self image challenged in a meaningful and informative way and are now in adulthood.

There are now many people who attain a…
Jul 29, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read
Weirdness 🧵 Image
Jul 13, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Image Image
May 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Bombshell UCLA med DEI story from @aaronsibarium.

‘Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a "failed medical school," said one former member of the admissions staff. "We want racial diversity so badly, we're willing to cut corners to get it."’… 2/
‘More than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.’ Image
May 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
A reasonable inference from the years of ‘cancelings’ is that, given the scale of what happened, entire industries - journalism, publishing, academia, etc. - are cancerous, irredeemable, and full of malevolent and sociopathic people.
… …
Yeah, technology and collapsing business models were factors but none of this was possible without execrable behavior on the part of many execrable people.

People will try to disembody causation (Twitter, ‘toxic dynamics,’ ‘human nature,’ blah blah blah) but…
May 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Key components of managed democracy:

Fake, astroturfed pseudo consensus manufactured by media/ NGOs/ academia that pathologizes dissent.

Constant state of emergency/ exception: Moral panics stoked by legacy media and ideological spectacles (protests) staged by NGOs.
… …
Illiberalism justified by continuous ideological and social ‘progress’ generated by academia, media, NGOs, gov’t.

An algorithmically generated political simulacrum that supersedes true politics and inhibits the expression of meaningful political interests.
May 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
There’s nothing more important to libs than therapy culture.

It’s a lens to see the world, a framework for describing the teleology of one’s life, a substitute for the comfort provided by religion, and a legitimizing rationale for personal and institutional decision making.

So much ideological argumentation is now dependent on therapeutic jargon - ‘safety,’ ‘harm,’ ‘trauma,’ ‘self care,’ ‘toxic stress,’ etc. - that I don’t think that libs could express their ideas or justify their behavior without it.
Apr 28, 2024 33 tweets 8 min read
Is your hobby racist? Is chess RACIST? Image
Apr 26, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Because the criminal and drug addict George Floyd suffocated in a police altercation we had to do years of ideological calisthenics to exorcise our ‘whiteness’ and All Good People agreed that the riots that burned down city blocks and that cities are still recovering from… …were ‘mostly peaceful’ despite $ billions in damages and dozens of deaths.

Meanwhile, the tent cities set up by campus midwits to signal third-world-solidarity and protest US assistance of what is a major military intervention that were actually mostly peaceful were… Image
Apr 21, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read
The idea that they want you to eat bugs is a racist conspiracy theory.

Also, you will eat bugs and like it.

🧵 Image Image
Apr 20, 2024 30 tweets 7 min read
Racist food🧵 Candy Image